Thursday, August 3, 2017

Some Stakes and String

Earlier this year I attended the funeral of an extraordinary ordinary man--my husband's uncle Don.
One of Uncle Don's sons shared an experience he had as a small child, shortly after his parents had purchased their first home.
Because there were five small children to feed and clothe, there was not enough money to fence the yard.
Taking seriously one of his divine roles as the protector of his family, Uncle Don drove a few small wooden stakes into the ground, took some string, and tied the string from stake to stake all around the yard.
He then called his children to him.
He showed them the stakes and the string and explained to them that if they would stay on the inside of that makeshift fence, they would be safe.

One day the visiting teachers watched in disbelief as they approached the house and saw five little children standing obediently at the edge of the string, looking longingly at a ball that had bounced beyond their boundaries and out into the street.
One little child ran to get their daddy, who, in response, ran and retrieved the ball.

Later in the funeral, the oldest son tearfully expressed that all he had ever hoped in this life was to be like his beloved father.

-Linda K. Burton -We'll Ascend Together -April 2015 General Conference

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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