Saturday, August 5, 2017

The Mighty Hunter

So a little bit ago, I bought myself a new betta, for one of my little betta tanks I had upstairs. 
As the one-eyed betta (Muse) I'd had in there originally had died for unknown reasons. 
We think he might have had a stroke or something because he couldn't use his tail and got thinner...

In any case.
I have two other bettas upstairs that I got at the same time as Muse. Named Critic and Inspiration.
And I wanted this new betta to follow that trend in names. 

This is the betta I ended up getting: 

Isn't he pretty?! 
I love this style of betta.
I call them "Sunset Bettas" because their coloration reminds me of sunsets lol. 

In any case. 
I got this betta.
And decided after some thought, to name him Wit. 

And let me tell you.
Wit is probably one of the smartest bettas I've had. 
He knows exactly when I'm going to feed him.
Is anxiously awaiting to be fed and interacts with me when I sit near him. 

But he's also a bit of my trouble maker.

You see, when the betta tanks start getting dirty with algae and such, 
I grab a handful of our pest snails from work to throw in the tank. 
As they're quite the good little cleaners, even if they multiply like crazy.

But putting them in with bettas....the bettas enjoy eating the pest snails.
Sooo the populations stay under control because when the bettas get bored in their tanks....they go hunting for snacks. 

Usually isn't too much of a problem.
But with Wit....
It's been more difficult than it should be keeping his tank clean.
Because he's quite the hunter.
He's probably gone through at least forty snails by now.
Some last longer than others.
But Wit...seems to have made it his mission to hunt down each and every snail and eat them.
Hopefully I can get that tank inundated with enough snails that they can actually get the algae gone before Wit eats them. Or that I get enough that he can't get them all and gives up.

We'll see.
we'll see. 
*fingers crossed* 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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