Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Boy or Girl?

I had one of those...circular conversations at work with a customer.
One where I wasn't sure if there was a language barrier, a comprehension issue, or that the dude was just trolling me. 

But we had a customer come into the store looking for a betta fish. 
Because his current betta fish was 'lonely'

...umm.....I told him that was a bad idea.

But he was insistent.
And not listening to me. 

So I made sure he had a large enough tank. Which he 'said' he did.
And I recommended that since he had a male, to get a female.

So he was like "Where are the bettas?" 

I'd gestured to like the entire endcap full of betta fish. 

And pointed to the row that had females.
Said that the others were male. 

And...the dude was like.
"So I need a girl?"
"Which ones are girls?"
"These ones." Points to the row of females. "Are all girls." Points to the rest of the bettas "All these are males."
"So these are girls?" points to one girl betta.
"And the boys?"
"Are the rest of them."
"So this one is a girl." Points to male.
"No that's a boy."

And like in the middle of this circular conversation where I kept saying which fish were girls and which were boys and hating the fact that apparently not one word I was saying was making it into the man's skull.
As he would ask me the exact same question half a second after I answered it. 

This guy came up to us. the dude's friend apparently. And just stood there smiling and not being helpful either. *rolls eyes* 

After like three more rounds of the same boy/girl questions for the fish, I excused myself and fled.

Because GAH.
There's only so many ways I can say the same thing....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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