Saturday, June 15, 2019


I've decided my roommate has gone crazy.
At least crazy in the OCD fashion of cleanliness crazy.
Because the list of 'summer cleaning' chores she has is like 30 pages long.

It goes so in depth in things that we need to clean (as she's the homeowner as well) before the end of the summer. You know the 'spring cleaning' sort of thing....but like times 10. 

Like it's a more indepth cleaning than even my first apartment complex had us do, and they were quite crazy there as well with their tasks.

And a lot of it make sense.
Like dust the baseboards.
Wash the doors.
Dust the furniture.
Clean the bathroom.

All typical things.

But it's when you get into the odd stuff like: 
Sterilize the garbage cans.
Switch the direction the fan spins.
Flip the mattress.

Where I'm like. O.o seriously?

Like I get that it's good to have a good old fashion spring cleaning.
Get to the nooks and crannies we don't usually get to.

But there has to be a line between 'spring cleaning'
And crazy over the top who even cares if the picture frames are dusted or not? sort of cleanliness where I start wondering what my roomie was thinking when the list was created.

Because it's crazy.
I've only done like two rooms so far for 'my part' and I still don't understand.

I hope it never gets this intense again because geez.

I purposely moved out of student apartments to avoid having to do this deep sort of cleaning. That's why I'm in a house
Where we don't have to worry about cleaning checks and the like. *shakes head* 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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