Wednesday, June 26, 2019


It's something I've been expecting for a while now.
Ever since Kikay started spending more and more time up north. 
To the point where she's practically never home. 

So it makes sense that she would eventually broach the subject of moving out.
After all if she's never here....why should she be paying rent?
I'd seen the signs coming for a while.
So it wasn't too much of a surprise that she's considering moving out when her contract is up. 

Still sad. 
But not unexpected.

And because I've had time to get used to the idea of her leaving.
It's not as stressful as it could be.

As I really don't like having unexpected changes come my way.
I need time to get used to it. 
If given time. I can accept changes rather easily.
But have them shoved into my face?
It's hard to not freak out. And not want to do the change and you know....get really stressed out. 

But Kikay moving out?
I've seen the signs. I've been expecting it.
So when she finally brought up the concept of her moving out. 
Not surprised. 

The more surprising thing though was that we've basically all but confirmed that Kikay is leaving.
Which means that her room will become available.
So we kinda figured that our other roomie would possibly want to move into her room.
As she's mentioned before that her room is darker than she'd expected, so we figured she might like more light and such. Plus she would have her own bathroom if she took Kikay's room.

Only we we brought up the subject.
Roomie also mentioned that she may too be leaving when her contract is up.

Have a change of scenery, get a room with more light but is still in the basement where she could be cooler as she doesn't like the heat either. And the upstairs can get warm. Especially after we lost the trees to the fire last year that blocked the sun. 

It's not for sure that this roomie is leaving....she's still thinking about it.
But at this point I'm thinking it's more likely than not.

So two roomies leaving.

It's going to be weird having new people come in.....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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