Wednesday, June 5, 2019


It's interesting what sort of details just stick in the mind.
Like things that you only paid maybe a split second of attention to them.
But then when someone needs to know the answer.
You're able to recall that little detail to help others find what they're looking for.

It happened when we first arrived at the condo we're staying at.

Since it was a new place that we'd never stayed at before, I ended up exploring pretty much immediately upon getting in the door and putting my stuff down.

Which included also going through the drawers in the kitchen. 
Just to see what we had.
You know, see what we had available in case we needed to adjust any of our cooking plans. 

But mostly it was a quick look.
The glasses are there, silverware is here, and pots are there sort of lookabout.

A few hours later, when we were making one of our dinners.
Daddoo asked where the canopener was.
And I was able to direct him to the right drawer without having to get up and search for it.
As I'd remembered seeing it in my quick lookabout.

It happened a couple other times, after we'd bought more food to spend the week here, that my family would ask where certain items were and I could easily tell them.

^^;; It's just kinda cool really. 
Being able to do that.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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