Saturday, June 29, 2019

Too Much Treatment

My morning shift at work started out rather stressful today.
Because when I came in and happened to wander by our bettas....
I noticed that a few of them were dead.

And as I got closer I noticed it wasn't just like one or two.

I could see at least a dozen dead fish in their cups.

Which since the weather has been warm enough now we don't have to worry about the bettas getting too cold at night,
And because they were basically all in the same section.

Had to mean that something had gone wrong with the water change that had happened yesterday.

Because multiple bettas don't die in a row otherwise.
Usually it's more spread out and not in just one section.

So that meant that either they'd been changed in water that was too cold or too warm or had too much of a chemical in it.

Judging by the cloudiness of the water.
I had to judge that it was a chemical.
And brining the container closer.
I could tell that it smelt either of pimafix or melafix.
Which are chemicals we use to treat sick fish.
But shouldn't be used when doing water changes.

-Though I had caught wifts of it before, meaning someone was using it....I didn't really bring it up because it didn't appear to be affecting the fish.

Now though?
No. There were a dozen dead bettas.
And at least a dozen more dying so I had to quickly do water changes on them in order to save their lives and dilute whatever chemcial was in their water.

It was stressful.
And not a good way to start out the day.
Even more stressful though is that so far no one has come forward to admit that they were the ones who slipped up and put too much of the chemcial in the betta water.

The coworkers I was able to talk to today all denied that they'd done anything more than add in stress coat to the water.

At this point I'm thinking someone isn't being quite truthful.
But at the same time, they all now know not to use anything but the stresscoat in the betta water unless the bettas are sick and need the other treatments.

Not fun to lose and nearly lose over two dozen fish.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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