Monday, June 10, 2019

Return to Work

Returning to work after a long vacation is....always interesting.
Because it feels like most the time I come back to policy changes, new coworkers, a mountain of dishes, animals needing to see the Vet, and of course, something broken.

This time around wasn't much different.
A coworker hadn't properly disengaged our cleaning solution from the sink--which the faucet leaks, which means that when I came in the hose used to fill the sink with the cleaning chemical was slowly drippling out water....and over the course of a night. A lot of water had dribbled out, creating a medium sized puddle --about eight-ten feet long. (Medium sized because I've seen much larger) 
Only I couldn't reach said flooding to clean it up.
Because, as you guessed it, and I figured would happen. There were a mountain of dishes and cages that needed to be cleaned and hadn't been. Some of those cages still sitting in the exact spots where I placed them before I went on my double vacation. *exhales* 

Also as expected, there were slight changes as well in policies. Though nothing really that effected me. The store has some new stickers up, and a new program to help us better gauge our customer satisfaction levels? Or how well the store is doing in making a profit? I have no idea. It's a manager program therefore I don't have to deal with it. *shakes head*

New coworkers? Check. I have four. One of them a manager. Two that I had briefly met in my small 'return to work' days between the double vacations I took. Plus a new bather for the grooming department.
The interesting thing? All four have their names start with either C or K. O.o 
So weird. lol.

But yah, returning from a long vacation.
I encountered most of the usual "we were drowning the entire time you were gone." sort of scenarios that I've grown to expect.

One larger difference.
Is that apparently one of my coworkers has been driving everyone else insane. Becoming quite beastly in some ways. Bossy in others. And needy. Very needy in needing to gain manager approval for every little thing...which results in them calling the manager over every five minutes.
There's more to it apparently. That the gossipvine states that this coworker is the reason why some of our recent quitters have quit. That this coworker drove them to quit and has influenced others to reduce their hours and switch up their schedules in an effort to avoid them.

:S :S :S
It's quite the little drama going on in my department.

Which is kinda interesting.
Because I don't often see the drama.
I hear about it a lot.
But when I'm working with the various coworkers....they tend to be fine around me. *shakes head*

Still. I can see where they're coming from in some instances.
And now, the 'fixer' in me is trying to figure out ways to smooth things over and help the department run better.

The main issue is that....the drama often happens with the closing I don't get a chance to see it, nor do I hear much about it until after things are said and done. 

I do hope that with my return, the one coworker will calm down and pull back in their 'rampage' through the store.
We'll see though. You never know how things will change after a long absence.
And for this particular coworker it has been a long absence. A full two weeks because our schedules never meshed in the three days I had back at work between the vacas.

Work is going to be interesting for the next couple of days for sure. 
Guess we'll see how it all goes. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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