Friday, June 21, 2019

Unclean Surfaces

I've said it before, and I'll probably say it again, but my roommate has weird concepts of cleanliness.

So. The dishwasher had been run right? All dirty dishes within were clean.
But we needed to put more dirty dishes into the dishwasher which meant putting the clean ones away.

I took it upon myself to do that. Because I know this roomie doesn't like dirtiness and dirty dishes in the sink are like the bane of her existence along with crumbs on the countertops.
So I did my part and put away the dishes that were clean and then pulled most of the dirty dishes that had been in the sink into the dishwasher to be cleaned.

Only I didn't know where a couple of things went.
Like some sort of circular fruit slicer thing.
So I placed it on the countertop above the dishwasher.

A countertop, mind you, that's right next to the sink and also has a drying rack on it where we place dishes that can't be put in the dishwasher after we've cleaned them.

Basically that counterspace stays pretty clean.
There's no reason to place food over there as that's usually where the clean dishes get set, and like the cup I'm using for the day to drink liquid out of.

But from a glance you wouldn't think it wasn't clean.
Sure. There were some water droplets near the sink as I'd been moving dishes from sink to dishwasher.
But where I'd placed this circular cutter thing....there hadn't been anything.

And like I put it there, forgot about it. Went to sit down.
And like two minutes later maybe? Roomie comes up and is like "!!!! Why did you put that on the dirty counter! We need to wash it again!" 


Excuse me....what?
'Dirty' counter?
HOW is it DIRTY?
I Don't Get It.

Like I said earlier.
That particular part of counter space sees no food action.
The only action it gets is when dishes are placed on the drying rack there, or I leave a cup there so I know where to find it when I need more liquid.

And yet that counter is 'dirty' for my roommate.

Did you cut raw meat there when I wasn't looking? Did you slice veggies? Did you sprinkle spices over it?
Like ….it looked like an everyday regular counter,
Which mind you I had wiped down for extra measure on Sunday because I knew this roomie was returning from an extended trip.
I made sure every single surface of that counter was clean.

And now its DIRTY.

I thought spending time in a foreign country where cleanliness standards are not the same at all would have calmed said roomie down from their cleanliness paranoia....

Looks like that was a no in that regards.

*shakes head*

The dish sat on the counter for two minutes.
Wasn't used.
Wasn't even in the water droplets
Just sitting there on the counter where only clean dishes get put.
And it's dirty and the roomie had to wash it all over again


I don't get it.
I don't get it at all.

But it does frustrate me.
Like. Oh hey look. I cleaned out the dishwasher and put away those dishes and then put the dirty dishes in the sink into the dishwasher and you don't say anything about that.
it's the single dish on the 'dirty' countertop that you focus on.


I don't get it.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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