Saturday, January 25, 2020

Catching Up

So when I was younger, my family--my dad's side of the family would often hold parties and such.
We'd all gather together to celebrate people's birthdays or holidays or you know...the Superbowl.

But as we got older and my older cousins started getting married and having their own kids....those family get togethers tapered off.

To the point where we no longer hold them.

Really now we only meet up for 'major events' happening like baby blessings, baptisms, marriages, funerals....etc.....
It's rare to meet up with my cousins outside of 'formal' activities.

Which now that I think about rather weird.
Like we spent all this time together growing up...
And now we never see each other. 

I guess that's what happens when people...grow up and move away and have kids and such.

In the still semi formal activity of my sister having a Bridal Shower today, I was able to meet up with some of my cousins that I haven't seen in a few years. 

Which was awesome!! :D

Lol the fun thing about being close to my sister is that basically all the people she invited -friends, family, neighbors-- are basically people that I know. ^^;; lol. 

So even though we were having a celebration for her and her next step in life.

It was fun for me to be able to catch up and mingle with people I haven't seen in forever.
And I really enjoyed that.
It was nice to chat and laugh and tell stories. ^^;; 

I need to find a way to get to see people --especially my cousins and such-- more often. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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