Friday, January 3, 2020

Red Means Stop. Green Means Go.

I halfway feel like there's a few individuals who are still recovering from having a bit too much fun partying for New Years.

As this morning, I was heading out to go get some shopping done.
And I was waiting for my light to turn green.
Which it did.
But like a second before I could move my foot from the brake to the gas.
This white truck comes barreling through the RED light.
If I had been quicker to react and had already started to go.
There was a sure chance this idiot could have hit me.
Because he just went VROOM right through the red light a good five seconds after it had turned red. 
(As it takes 5 seconds from the light to go from yellow to red and then have my light turn green) 

And I watched this driver drive past. Glad that I hadn't actually started to go yet.

Because the dude was looking straight ahead. Didn't even react.
I don't know if he even saw that his light was red.
He just went. 
No signs of slowing down or panicking.
Nope he was just like zombie like in staring straight ahead.
*shakes head* 

And then later.
As I was heading back home.
I saw this car in the left lane (while I was in the right) slow down and a GREEN light.
Like the light was obviously green as it only turned yellow as i was driving through the intersection.

Like Dude.

*shakes head*
Honestly, I've made that mistake before. Slowing down before I connect the dots and realize that the light is green and I can still go.

But this car.
Full on stop a good four seconds before I reached them and the intersection. 

At least no one got hurt in either encounter.

But still.
Not sure what's in people's heads today. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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