Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Spring Cleaning

So yesterday, my manager showed me a checklist of tasks that we needed to get done this month.
Cleaning tasks.
Specifically cleaning up the area behind the fish wall.

Sweeping, Mopping, Throwing away things that we aren't using etc.

And I was like "Okay" 
But I didn't think we'd actually get around to doing it.
Mostly because we don't have the man power really to spare someone to take all day going through the various nooks and crannies behind the fish wall and cleaning the place up.

Due to a slight scheduling error....where my manager scheduled one of my coworkers for a morning shift instead of an evening shift, we ended up having three people in my department this morning instead of the expected two.

So my head manager directed one of my coworkers to spend the day cleaning out the back. 

Which I'm glad I wasn't the one doing it. Because like...I often feel like I'm the only one who does things around my department.
At least cleaning things.

But I'm also glad because I do have a tendency to....well hoard things?
Not in a hoarders situation.
But like. I find it difficult to just throw away things if they're perfectly good and not broken.

Which when we clearance out items in the store...when they end up going 'penny' we end up having to throw away those products if we can't find a use for them in the store.
So I try to 'save' those products from being pointlessly tossed in the trash by finding 'uses' for them.

However we don't always end up using those products.

So it's a good thing my coworker was the one to clean out the back.
As they were able to look at all the random stuff that's accumulated back there and be like "Do we need this? We've never used this. We only need like three of this." 

I did my best to not look too closely at what my coworker decided we no longer needed.
because I'm sure if I did I would have found things that we 'needed' to keep and such.

It's hard to not have your heart just...break at the waste of things.
Like perfectly good functioning unbroken products...tossed away.

Like surely we could just give them away, or let coworkers take them home if they needed it. *exhales* 

So that's what my coworker ended up doing today.
And I have to say their efforts were well done.
The department looks a lot more organized and clean than it has in a long while.

So definitely need to take a leaf out of their book of organizing because my coworker did a really good job lol. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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