Wednesday, January 8, 2020

That Prescription Food

It's not often that I encounter customers that are...well upset.

Mostly because I'm pretty certain that grumpy people don't like being out and about early in the day.
And with me working morning shifts. 
That means I rarely have to deal with them, because not every person is going to be stomping out of the house with the sun to go throw hands with people at a pet store. 

Nah. Most of the grumpy people come out of the woodwork in the later hours of the day. You know, when everyone is getting off of work and probably hangry and tired and just wanting to be home and any little problem equals a major issue with them.

So yah.
I prefer my mornings. 

In any case.
We have this particular prescription dog food in our store.
One that you need a vet to prescribe for you.
And like it has to be one of the most popular items in the store mostly because it's at least three or four times a week if not more often that I have a coworker come over the radio asking if we have this particular canned food in stock. 

Which like...we carry probably six different varities of this particular food.
And yet Every. Single. Customer. seems to have decided that they need the "Chicken and Vegetable Stew version." It can't be Chicken and Rice and Vegetable Stew. Nor Turkey. Nor Rice and Egg and Vegetable stew.

Noooo it has to be the Chicken and Vegetable Stew. 

And like I swear we probably only get in two cases of that at a time. And I'm sure there's people who come in and stock up on it by taking every single one and therefore leaving the rest of the customers without.

-Honestly we need to look into ordering more of that particular kind because seriously everyone wants just that one. 

So like. We're often going into the back of the store to see if any ended up on a pallet back there or if there's any visible on the trucks we received in and over's frustrating for everyone involved.

That that's all set up.

Today I took a phone call just after lunch time. 
Where a customer asked for our Head Manager.
And unfortunately for the customer, HM was out on lunch. 
So I asked the customer if I could take a message or he could call back in a little bit.

And this dude just railing on me. 
Because apparently the dude's been trying to get this particular prescription dog food -and yes it's the Chicken and Vegetable Stew one because he tried a different flavor of it and apparently it smelt so bad they had to leave the house because it stunk up the place.- since like December 16th.

Which I know we must have had some of that prescription food in because like customers keep requesting it and we keep refinding it...most of the time.

But he's like "I've been in your store multiple times and every single time you don't have this in stock and it's been over two weeks now and apparently his dog hasn't eaten anything in that entire time frame. 

Which I'm like. O_o?? Seriously?
Because I'm pretty sure the dog would be dead already if it's totally refusing to eat anything for two whole weeks. 

So I'm pretty sure it's just exaggeration.
But at the same time, dude you have to be a pretty crappy pet owner to not be willing to drive to another location to find the food. And like if it's a 'multiple locations don't have it' sort of shortage then it's the manufacturer's issue and you can't blame us for not having it in stock or finding an alternative food to use in the meantime. >_< 

In any case.
While the dude is ranting about all the times he's come into the store and all the times he's been told that we don't have any and how he's spoken to our manager multiple times and been promised he'll be called when we get more food in---

I ended up interrupting him because I'm sure the dude would complain my ear off for an hour and I don't have time to just listen to him rant on and on and on and on and on.

So I was like "What's the particular food?" 
Though at that point I could have hazard a guess because I've already had like two or three other people (who knows maybe it was the same guy) ask for this particular flavor of the prescription food this week. 

And sure enough. That's the one he wants.
And I list off the other ones I have on the shelf as options he's like "Nope no no no it needs to be this one!" 

So I'm like "Okay I can go check the back." Though I had no idea if we would actually have it in stock because it's been requested so much.
But I also knew we had a truck that had come in so it was possible it was on a pallet. 

After a bit of searching I did indeed find the canned food in question.

On the very bottom of a pallet.
Where the weight of another four layers of cans and at least six stacks of dog food basically buried it. 


Still me being me I set out to see if I can get the case of food out from under the mountain it's buried under and notice that I can at least pull some cans out. Now I just needed to know how many cans this customer needs.

So I bring him back on the line (as I put him on hold while I looked) and basically said "I found a case of it in the back on a pallet how many cans do you need."

And like the dude completely missed my question or misunderstood it.

Because he spent like another good five minutes talking about pallets and stocking and complaining that that was what my coworkers had said last time and they couldn't grab them then because it was in a similar position.

And like Dude I have access. I can get you the cans. I just need to know how many.

It took repeating myself like another four times before he actually comprehended that. 

He was like "Do I need to drive over there and help you stock your shelve so I can get my food faster?" 

Like no dude we have stockers for that. They'll be in this evening to work the truck. 

He took it to mean he couldn't get his food until tonight and he didn't want to wait more than a couple of hours to get his food.

*exhales* No you silly person. I have the cans right now in hand. I just need to know how many he needs as I had pulled out like six but if he needed the entire case I might be in trouble.
And I was totally expecting him to say the entire case.

But nope.
After a moment of thought he was like "I just need six cans."

Which O.o Seriously? Dude you hounded us for like three weeks for six cans? WHY?

And then the kicker. He only wants six cans because "My dog probably won't live that long anyway to get more."

*eye twitch*

Like if the dude was being literal in the dog not eating for 2 weeks straight then geez dude you need a lesson in animal care because that's just straight out mean and abusive to take no action to try and feed your dog to the point where you think he'll die.

And like all this work for six cans?
You called our store THREE TIMES today just for six cans?


I'm still irritated over it and it's been hours now since the incident.
but seriously.
I don't understand people and I definintely don't understand this dude.

I'm glad he didn't show up by the time I left because I had no desire whatsoever to deal with him again.
Hopefully we won't hear from this particular customer any time soon now that he has his cans.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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