Sunday, January 19, 2020

Plans Gone Astray

The problem with trying to make that I feel like most of the time they don't work out. least when it's a plan I try and make for own selfish reasons? 
I suppose they're not always selfish.
But when I try and put my own wants in front of potential needs others may have.
It seems more likely that my plan won't work out.
At least not how I originally intended it to work out.

Hence why I try to keep my plans more...well...flexible.
Because I'm aware of how much things don't work out for me.
And I might as well not stress out over it if I was already expecting something to go not quite right.

Which is what happened today.

As I'd spoken last night with my roommate about leaving for church earlier in the day than usual.
Because there was a pokemon go community event happening and unfortunately most of the event took place right in the middle of church.
But I would have about 40 minutes before church started to wander around and do the event and then I could just like...sit and focus during church without worrying about missing out on catching a shiny pokemon.

Of course.
I should have expected this plan to go astray though it was a simple straightforward one of 'leave earlier.'

Because, for whatever reason, at this point I don't even know why, I was hit by a nuclear migraine last night.

The sort where it feels like my head is being cracked open with a sledgehammer and my body is acting like it's about to die and I'm not sleeping and unable to relax.

So yah.
When I finally managed to get to sleep...I ended up waking up at the time we were supposed to be leaving if I wanted to have a bit of time wandering around the grounds before church started.

So my original plan of getting there early totally wasn't happening.

We managed to get to church like five minutes before it was to start.
Which meant I couldn't exactly wander around beforehand to catch my shiny pokemon.

I ended up venturing out for like twenty minutes to wander the grounds -as I figured I wouldn't be missing much as it takes time to move between the sacrament room and the sunday school rooms and like...there's the socializing that goes on. So I was like. I'll wander until I find a shiny and then go back to the class.

Which I ended up making a loop and caught two shinies! Woot!! 

So I was able to return to the classroom earlier than I had expected so yay me.

But yah.
It was one of those days where my plans didn't go...well exactly to plan.
But hey! I managed to accomplish my goal. So woot!

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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