Sunday, December 13, 2020

Failing the Waiting Game

I can be a patient person. Wait for the right moment. Wait for things to fall in my favor.

But sometimes things don't fall into my favor. Where waiting for something...doesn't end up paying off.

*exhales* and it is definitely frustrating when it happens.

Especially when I recognize in the middle of the waiting process that I could have gone a different route and saved myself some irritation.

The first instance of yesterday where I played the waiting game and failed was when I went on my lunch at work.

When I got into the breakroom another coworker was already there.

One that had only recently returned this week from being sick with the virus. 
And before getting the virus, this coworker wasn't the best at following the protocols of wearing your mask and such.

And hasn't seemed to have learned their lesson as I still find them on occasion with their mask down and such.

Which makes sense in the breakroom where you can't exactly wear a mask when you're eating.

But my coworker had obviously finished eating and was just sitting there maskless.

And perhaps I was being overly paranoid.

But like they had just got back....and I didn't really want to take my mask off and eat lunch when they're sitting right there breathing the same air I am.


But I figured that they were probably already halfway through their break and that they'd be going back to work soon. So I would just eat my lunch during the last half of my break instead of the first half. No big deal.

And it seemed like this was true....except time kept passing....and my coworker kept sitting there.

And I was suddenly aware that said coworker had taken like an hour long lunch the day before...

It was annoying too because the coworker kept shifting like they were about to get up and leave...except they never did. 

And honestly, what I should have done when I saw my coworker sitting there maskless (besides asking them to put on a mask) would have been to just grab my food from my locker and then go into our New Arrivals room and have my lunch in there. As I have done that before when I needed some 'me' time.

But I hadn't because I'd thought they'd been in the breakroom longer than they apparently had.

Soo...I ended up not being able to eat my lunch. Because my coworker NEVER LEFT before my break was over. 

Which either meant they were taking an hour long lunch again, or they had started their break right before I came in and were slow off the draw to go back on the clock.

So yah.... I was irritated at them and myself. Because I could have just gone elsewhere and had my break and my food there.

Instead I waited for nothing and ended up having to just shove some food in my mouth as I left the room to go clock back in. *exhales* So frustrating.

In any case. 

The other instance today was that I wanted to go take a shower, but my roommate ended up bringing a friend home to hang out and I didn't really want to take said shower while they were there. And I figured that they would be here for a couple of hours at least, but it wouldn't be that long of a visit so I could totally wait to take a shower until after they left.

...but time passed...and the friend stayed there visiting and visiting and visiting.....and didn't end up leaving our place until nearly 1am. 



Honestly, I probably could have just gone and taken the shower and not worried about the fact that my roomie had a friend over. 

It just feels kinda awkward to do it....hence why I waited.

but yah no. Again the waiting gamble didn't play off as 1am was rather late to take a shower as I wasn't quite in the mood to sleep with wet hair.

So I ended up having to take one this morning.

Which no big deal.

but yah....sometimes I really should take more decisive action and not just wait for things to take their course in time....because it doesn't always benefit me if I do that. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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