Saturday, December 5, 2020


I suppose it's an honest mistake to make.

As I assumed that when my test results came in, the testing site I'd gone to would just send me a text or an email like they'd done a couple of days ago when I needed to get a QR code in order to go ahead and get tested.

Apparently not though.

No, looking closer at the pamphlet they gave me, it indicated that I needed to download a specific app in order to see my test results. *exhales*

So's possible I could have known yesterday if I had the virus or not.

But because I neglected the pamphlet...I only found out today. *shakes head*

GOOD NEWS though.

I'm Negative!


That's one less stressor to deal with and I can happily wander around the house again without worrying. Yay for not being confined to my room anymore! lol. 

lol I'm sure my head manager is relieved as well to hear that I don't have the virus.

As I had been to work the last couple of weeks with my symptoms and had touched a lot of things.... :S But it looks like it's more cold/stress related than anything. 

Plus that means we won't be short staffed at work as we're already going to be down two managers this week. It would have sucked if I made it three.

Here's to hoping that the rest of christmas season goes well. 

But yay for having one less worry! 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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