Monday, December 21, 2020

Star Light

I gotta say, I continue to be grateful for the fire that nearly took my current place a couple of years ago...if only for the fact that the burning and subsequent cutting down of the trees on the hill behind our home allowed us to have access to such an amazing view of the valley and the lake nearby.

Before the fire, the trees blocked out the view. Especially during the spring and summer when the branches were covered in leaves and you couldn't see through them at all.

And while it gets burning hot in our house now that we don't have those shade trees during the summer.

The view of the valley and the sunsets is totally worth it.

And tonight was another reason to enjoy having no trees behind our house.

As my roomies and I were able to just walk right onto our deck (newly rebuilt woot!) and look to the south west and see the 'Christmas Star' shining brightly towards the horizon.

It's a definite highlight and I'm grateful we were able to experience it, even if the photos I tried to take with my phone don't quite do it justice lol. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

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