Friday, December 18, 2020

Package Arrival

 So for Christmas this year, I decided to do something slightly different and give my family member stocking presents.

Aka...I buy a bunch of little presents and stuff them in a stocking as a larger present. XD lol. 

I ended up doing this because I wanted to make sure my family had stockings this year. 

In any case, my godparents too got on board with the idea of sending stockings to their godchildren (and my dad) for Christmas instead of a random present. 

Which was fun. XD lol because all our stockings arrived from them at our houses on the same day.

and ah. It was fun to have AT so excited for everyone to get their stockings. lol Though I was rather surprised that the rest of my family decided to open their stockings today.

I would have thought that they would have waited until Christmas. 

but nope. Open them they did.

Lol and my Godparents were so excited to have everyone opening their gifts today that they wanted me to open mine as well. 

*shakes head*

I'm more patient than my family.

And after a long difficult day at work that resulted in a headache behind my eyes.

I didn't want my opening of the gift to be tainted by the work and migraine annoyances. 


My own stockings to my godparents hadn't yet arrived at their place.

And I loved the idea of us opening our stockings on the same day. Maybe even video calling and opening them together.

So for now.

Despite my godparent's attempts to convince me otherwise....I'm waiting. XD lol. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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