Friday, December 11, 2020

That's My Name!

So we had a fun little unintentional mix-up at the store today involving our curbside pickup. 

Which I only discovered when a customer came into the store wanting to pick up their online order. Because my other manager was buy on the phone by the online orders and my cashier was helping a customer at the register I jumped on over to help the customer grab their online order. 

So I was like "Okay what's the name."

And she was like "Oh, it's Samantha Jenkins" (not actual name) 

And I try to grab our Ipad when I'm doing orders so I can double check that I'm grabbing the right items and all the items.

But at that point in time the ipads weren't visible to me. So I just went to our staging area and found her name and grabbed this big bag of dog food and was like "Okay! Here you go!"

Only....that wasn't her order. 

Her name was on the order, yes, but it wasn't her order. 

:S That wasn't good. I glanced at the order on her phone and went and found the Ipad to see what should have been in her order.

And at the same time caught my other manager on the phone saying something like "Yes, I have the bag of food here. I don't know why that order has your name on it when you didn't order that stuff--" 

I put the pieces together and was like "Are you talking to a Samantha Jenkins?" 

And my manager responded with a "Yes? Why?" 

I point to the other customer and was like "Her name is Samantha Jenkins too." 

Turns out...we had two customers with the exact same name place orders on the same day for pick up.

I'm not sure how the first Sam got her was unclear if it was a doordash order or if she realize we put the wrong bags in her trunk until she got home....

But in any case...first Sam was accidentally given second Sam's order. 

So she had to drive back to the store (which luckily was only like 10-15 minutes away) to give back the stuff she got by mistake and pick up her order.

And I was like....well we shouldn't have the second sam have to wait for the first sam to come back to the store, lets just repick the order and send her on her way.

 A brilliant idea if I do say so myself.

Except apparently one of the items the customer ordered....was the last one on the shelf *exhales* So we couldn't repick the order because we had no more product to pick for it.

So she ended up having to wait for the first Sam to come back in order to get her stuff.

Thankfully both ladies were understanding of the mixup and weren't too mad about it. 

But honestly.

What are the odds of people with similar names deciding to do online orders on the same day? *shakes head* At least we were able to fix the situation. So yay.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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