Tuesday, December 29, 2020

The Right Size and Price

I hate dealing with indecisive customers. Especially when I'm trying to do things in a hurry and the customer decides to take forever to think on something.

So it was the end of my workshift.

I was literally off in like five minutes.

But the cashier needed a backup cashier and everyone else was busy with other things.

So knowing that I definitely was gonna regret it.

I hopped on as the backup cashier to help out.

And the very first customer I help is this guy buying an XL Kong Crate.

Seems like a simple transaction.

I get his membership number, scan the item, and have him pay.

It's like a two minute thing.

But as he's finishing up paying he looks again at the price he's paying and goes. "Wait. I thought this crate was on sale for $28 less."

So I had to quickly cancel the transaction before he could finish paying, so that I could quickly do a price check on the crate.

As I remembered putting up price tags for the crates yesterday...but couldn't recall if those prices had sales or not with them.

Over the radio I asked my other manager to go price check the crate for me.

Which took a couple of minutes to do.

But the manager ended up confirming that the price was less.

So I did the price adjustment. And the customer paid for it.

And like. I handed him the receipt. And expected him to take his crate and leave so I could help the next customer in line.

And the dude had the gall -after he'd paid and everything- to only then question the size of crate he'd just purchased.

"Is this too big of a crate for a border collie." was his question.

Like dude....Yes? Like...border collies are probably fine with the intermediate or the large size. But the XL is more for like Golden Retrievers and Great Danes and Huskies. 

But I didn't want to have to do a return for a product I just got the guy to buy. 

So I was like "You have 60 days to return it if it's too big. But I believe it comes with a divider so you should be fine making the crate smaller if needed" 

And he had to take his time looking all over the box looking for any sign that the Kong brand crate actually came with a divider.

And couldn't find any evidence.

Like Dude. It had a divider at one point as I knew the Kong brand carried dividers. But they changed the packaging so I have no idea if they stopped with the dividers as well.

But he could figure it out AT HOME because he'd been standing at the register for a good 5 minutes longer than necessary and when you're standing in line waiting to buy something that feels like an eternity to other customers.

Finally he took the crate and went on his merry way. But gah.

It was a longer interaction than it should have been. XP Customers really need to learn to ask their questions before they reach the register instead of AFTER they paid for their product. Especially in the middle of a rush.

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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