Wednesday, December 9, 2020

It's So Crowded

Hobby Lobby is such a weird place.

Like it doesn't seem to matter what time of day you go there...but's always busy. And it always throws me off. 

Of's been probably a year since I've stepped foot inside of the place. So my experiences are probably skewed considering I tend to venture in around the holiday season in search of gifts. 

And like...due to the pandemic I haven't been inside the store at all this year before today.

But I was kinda expecting the place to be like other stores I've visited in the morning.

Namely. Nearly dead.

And either Hobby Lobby is always busy. Or else it's always busy during the holiday season. 

As there were people everywhere. Like...I expected with the pandemic that it would be a little more dead.

But nope.

Like by the time I got in line there were 4 active registers going that had at least 4 people in every line. And they ended up opening like two more registers while I was standing in line to deal with the people. :S 

It's crazy.

And like it was barely noon.

I can't even imagine it being so busy that you need like 6 people to run the registers.

Of course...considering that like every lady (as yes 98% of the people in the store were women) who stepped up to the register decided to be 'difficult' probably is the reason why they have to have so many cashiers on hand. Because honestly I probably stood there for a good 10 minutes in line with just 4 people because the people in front of me (and I could see other people around me at other registers) were constantly going "Hey is this on sale?" "Oh hey we need a price check here." "I have a coupon for this!" "No i swear the price was this!" 

Like I get it. You want to save money.

But when it's every customer. It has to get a bit old. *exhales* I feel for the people who work there. 

The other annoying thing...besides standing in line and realizing that there are a ton of people who apparently like to shop in craft stores on a Wednesday the fact that practically all the customers in the store had no concept of social distancing.

Like yes we're all wearing masks.

But that doesn't mean that you can come up and stand right beside me. Social Distancing is also key to keeping everyone safe along with wearing the mask.


And like it felt like every time I stopped to try and look at something, there was another person who decided they needed to look at something right next to me or right behind me and GAH.


I would have to constantly move away in order to keep proper spacing because people apparently like the herd together even in a pandemic. XP It was annoying. So annoying.

I mean I do tend to encounter it in other places I happen to end up at on occasion.

But like...Hobby Lobby definitely had me on edge the entire time because of how many people were trying to step into my bubble so they could look at a thing near me. *shakes head*

I was glad to get out of there. Hopefully I don't have to go back in there anytime soon. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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