Saturday, December 19, 2020

The Man Baby Lawsuit

You know how the Christmas season can bring out the best in people?
But like....also can bring out the worst in people?

Yah. Had to deal with one of the latter today at work.

I had a couple walk into the store today.
The woman, wearing a mask, the man (it's nearly always the man) not wearing one.

So I approached.
"Do you have a mask?" I ask. "As they are required to be worn in the store." 
"No." He responded. "I have a medical condition." 

-Truthfully. I'm pretty certain that 98% of the customers who claim to have a 'medical condition' that prevents them from wearing a mask are lying through their teeth. 

And like...even if they do have this medical condition that makes it difficult to breathe...why in the world would you willingly be out in public when there's a virus running rampant that makes it hard to breathe? 

I don't get their logic.

In any case.

I told the customer that if he couldn't wear a mask that we do offer curbside service for him, but if he wanted to be in the store he needed to wear a mask.

And the woman was like "Wait, are you telling me that you're kicking him out of the store?" 

Which yes, lady, I am. If he won't wear a mask he has to leave. 
And the dude was like "wow." and you know from that one word that he's gonna be trouble. He pulls out his phone and is like "Let me get your name and number. I need to record this."

Like dude. 
I'm not letting you film me. I'm not letting you try to defame my character merely because I am following Company Policy and I'm following our State Mask Mandate that requires all masks to be worn inside buildings.

So I tried to walk away, put a cart away and the dude wasn't having it.
And I was like "As a privately owned business we have the right to set policies and our policy is that you must wear a mask." -not quite as eloquent but the general consensus.

And the dude was like "This is against my rights! Under HIPPA you can't do this!! Expect a lawsuit!" Before he storms out of the store. 

Dude. You need to read that HIPPA closer because you can only claim that we are infringing on your rights if we don't offer you another service to help you out. BUT. We offer Curbside Service. Therefore. We are still in compliance with the law. We are still helping customers and giving them access to the store, it's just access in a different way because for their health and for their safety they cannot be in the store without a mask. 

But yah, man baby decided that he didn't want to take that lying down and so ended up coming back into the store and demanding to speak to a manager.

Which I am a manager.
But I was still shaking for the positively black energy he gave off during that first encounter where he basically threatened us with a lawsuit.
So my Head Manager went up to meet him instead.

And told him the same thing I had. 
-Though she was the one to clarify that HIPPA only applies if we deny him service and by offering curbside service we are providing a way for him to access our store. 

Dude wasn't happy about it. 
Threatened a lawsuit again.
Wanted my manager's name and number.
And at one point was like "What are you gonna call the cops on me?" when my manager asked him to leave the store if he refused to put on a mask.
And they were like "Yes. If you refuse to leave the store we will have to call the cops."
"Okay then call them."
"So you are verbally telling me that you're refusing to leave the store?"

Yah the customer ended up leaving after that point.

But like...Gah.
Both my head manager and I were just *rolling eyes* at the dude. Because seriously. Such a manbaby. 
And my Head Manager was awesome because they offered to buy me lunch which was amazing and a much needed pick me up after having to deal with that dude. 

I's amazing how many people are so inconsiderate of others.

Like yes. At the beginning of the pandemic I was leery of wearing a mask. But that was because I didn't fully understand the virus because our information was "It's just a bad cold"
But like. I learned better. I wear the mask because I want to do my part to keep people safe.

And it boggles my mind that I still encounter people every single day who don't want to wear the mask. Who get upset at being asked to do so. 

Like it really that bad to wear a piece of fabric over you nose that could keep someone else safe??


Though I do want to give a shout out to the couple who saw the first altercation occur between me and this guy and came right to me and my head manager to warn us that the customer had returned inside the store still not wearing a mask.
Good for them for trying to look out for us. For trying to keep us safe. 
As that's what's most important. Keeping everyone as safe and as healthy as possible. 

Until you next find these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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