Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Flying Under the Radar

I was institute today, and we were talking about why we were taking institute.
My reply was "Because for me Institute is the Eye of the Storm, its a place where I can relax and get away from the hectic outside world for a little bit."

That got me thinking about Radar.
And how you can fly low enough that radar can't pick you up.

Then it got me I flying below Satan's Radar?
I mean...I hear of people having problems, issues, trials that seem really big...and sometimes deal with the repentance process.
I often think when hearing these stories. "Your time of trial is now, I wish you luck."
Which then usually follows. "Have I had my time of trial yet?"
I know I've had problems in the past...I struggled in Elementary mostly on emotional levels with relationships between friends and such.
But was that really a 'big trial' for me?
I don't know, somehow I keep thinking to myself "You ain't seen nothing yet."
I know I appear to have life pretty easy at the moment to those people observing me.
While they in turn seem to be struggling in their life path at that exact moment.
Is it because I already faced my trials when I was younger?
Or is Satan waiting to try me, for my faith to be tried at a later date. he here already?
Is he bringing me trials that I don't see right now as stumbling blocks...but they are?
Is he flying under my radar? Is he doing his best to destroy me through little inconsequential things?
I know I often think of "trials" as some big broohahaha humdinger that will toss my world upsidedown.
But in actuality it might be the small things. Little vices I have, that prevent me from coming to my true potential? From getting closer to my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?

I've often wanted to think of myself as "When I wake up, Satan shivers knowing what I will do today."
But do I?
Sometimes I wonder at my "easy life" at the moment. Is he trying to lull me into a false sense of security?
Waiting for me to weaken, to relax, to feel that I can do this on my own before WHAM he springs something big on me?
Or am I untouchable? Ha. I really doubt that.
Now that I think of it...I think its the little things really that cause me to stumble.
Headaches for example might be my stumbling block. I find it really hard to work through them, to do things I had planned to do today because of these pains in my head.
Perhaps he has found that Headaches keep me down more often then not, so I get alot of them.
It might be a the Internet. I say to myself "Oh I'll just get on and check these three things then get off and do other things." but then WHAM the Internet isn't schedule isn't going as planned, but instead of skipping the Internet on my daily schedule I waste away the day feverishly clicking the button in hopes that the Internet will come back on soon, but in the mean time I'll do something counter productive.
I'm working on fighting the Internet helps when homework suddenly seems more important then spending an hour or two on facebook. ;) lol.

But still the headaches are a nice way for Satan to get at me.
Perhaps this is a trial...
perhaps not...
Am I avoiding Satan's traps?
Perhaps I'm trying to lull him into a false sense of security.
But...I really don't want him to think of me as "Oh, she's not a threat to my cause."
I would prefer to be seen as a threat....but that means dealing with a less then ideal life.
Even if the events aren't shattering right now compared to others.

But I have to wonder....who is flying under who's radar?
Am I flying under Satan's? Making it so he can't see me until its too late?
Or is he flying under mine?

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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