Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The Hot Fudge Sundae

Today Kikay wasn't feeling that well.
So...to try and make her feel better, I asked her what I could do for her.
And she said "Bring me a Hot Fudge Sundae"

This is halfway a running gag with her, for whenever we're not feeling well...
or she's not feeling well and Kikay is asked what someone could do to help her feel better.
She responds with "Bring me a Hot Fudge Sundae."
Most of the time people laugh her off, because she's not being serious.
But today I decided to take her seriously.
Sooo I went and got her a hot fudge sundae.
But it was more of an adventure then that.
For I had to make sure that Kikay wouldn't realize what I was doing.
So today I had class until 5:15.
While I was walking home, I texted her that I would be staying late at the institute.
I didn't go into specifics because if you get too specific people can get suspicious if you haven't been specific in the past.
Anyway. I told her I would be home by six and that we'd have dinner then.
So at 5:30ish I got home, and went straight to the car.
Then I drove down to Wal-Mart.
Captain America came out today on DVD and I HAD TO HAVE IT!
So I did that quick side trip before driving up to Arctic Circle
-I passed by our complex twice where our windows over look the road and I was hoping that Kikay wouldn't look out at that moment and see the car. -She didn't. :)
I drove up to Arctic Circle and got her a hot fudge sundae as well as some real food.
Then I drove back arriving about 6:05.
I came in and presented her with the Sundae, and the with the food. :)
lol She was surprised and it made her night. :D

It was a fun adventure. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

Involved...going to a theatre..sneaking in...and hopping rivers...and my brother bringing his girlfriend along when it was just a family thing with the schaers....it was rather complicated and involved getting ready for something at some point....


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