Tuesday, August 28, 2012

A Color Connection

Have you ever run into somebody similarly dressed as you are?
Usually it happens with a family member, where you end up wearing the same outfit, or a similar combination of colors.

Well....that does happen to me.
But recently...it seems like I've been picking up on other...color clothes connections.

For example I went to this one place and ended up wearing an outfit similar to the store's uniform. I hadn't been to that store in months and months and months so I wouldn't even remember the outfit. But...I ended up wearing similar clothes to the people who work there...more on this in a different post as it comes into play again. :)

But today.
It happened again. :)
You see....
I went to Institute today.
But before going to school I decided to put on a light blue shirt with a checkered blue and lighter redpurple shirt over it.
Well...I got to Institute today,
And saw that they had T-shirts that were free.
-As long as you were a student at the school, enrolled into institute, and promised to wear the shirt every Tuesday for a month (last year it was for the whole school year) then you could get the shirt for free.
lol its advertising for the institute to get more people to come as people would ask where we got our shirts and such.
Anyway, I saw the shirt and thought to myself "Self I want one!!"

Problem. I'm no longer a student at the school.
As Institute is free I still signed up this go around for institute classes...as that will give me a bit of a social aspect to my day ;) lol plus a big spiritual boost as well :D

Anyway, I went up to the office and asked "Is it alright if I get a shirt if I graduated and I'm not in school?"
Their response was. O.o "Uh....ask this person and or that person"
So I did.
I asked the first person and they said it was alright, but that I should check with the head guy to make sure.
I couldn't find the head guy, but the co-head guy I found easily enough so I asked "Have you seen the head guy?"
"No. Have you checked *lists a ton of places*"
"Yah...you see I want to get an institute shirt, but I'm not a student in school...."
()_() "WHAT?!?!" (didn't actually yell some of this is exaggeration) "You're in my class you can get a shirt!"
So I followed co-head guy to the office where a speech was made saying "Sarnic is in my class and deserves to have a t-shirt because of the hard work that was put in last year on council!"
Office people "The shirts are in the game room."
Co-head guy. "I was just going there."
lol We marched over to the game room and co-head guy gave the speech again.
The t-shirt handerouter said: "You could have just asked me I would have given one to you anyway."

^^;;; Heh....I hadn't known that the T-shirts were in the game room, the sign said to ask at the main office about getting one. Dun dun dun.

long story short!
I GOT MY SHIRT! ^^ Woot!
lol and I can still advertise it around campus as I tend to walk to school...thereby walking through campus to get to institute. So I can still help out and advertise ^^

But anyway colors.
I hadn't planned on getting my institute shirt today and maybe I'd seen pictures of the shirts earlier....
but the shirt...was light blue.
Like the exact shade of the shirt I was wearing over my checkered button up.
So I switched out the undershirt and unbuttoned the checkered shirt and walla!
I was wearing my t-shirt! ^^ Woot!

lol Odd how I unconsciously dressed in the institute shirt color today. I guess I did have the thought of getting a shirt today...but I didn't consciously remember the color of the shirt.
So I ended up matching by accident with my shirt. ^^;;
lol super cool.

I still wonder though....if there was more to this then just coincidence....maybe there are planes of...colors....where somehow a connection is formed between what you wear and what happens later in the day.....
hmmm something I'll explore more in another post I guess. ^^;; lol

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi 

The Dream

Involved a guitar being smashed on the ground...there was some sort of murder mystery being solved...but I don't remember most of it. :(


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