Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Zipline Connection

Did any of you read the extremely long dream I wrote down yesterday?
Well...if you haven' can go back and read the last six lines or so. -a guesstimation.
But in that part of a dream, I talked about a falcon named Jake...who could turn human.

Anyways, today as a FHE activity.
Our ward went to go on the ziplines up the canyon from college town.
It was a bit nerve wracking...mostly because we had like 12 people squished onto one fourbyfourcarttype thing. And I was hanging to the bar on the back, standing up, as we went along the cliffs up the mountain to get to the top.
Standing. Crowded area. Cliff....yah. I was tense by the end of the ride.
But we made it up in one piece without me or anyone else falling off, or us tipping over the cart.
Then the ziplines.
I went down one.
Then two.
And then I found out.
One of our guides. The guy out of the two. (the other was a girl)
His name is Jake.

And what were we doing?
Basically flying.
As we zipped through the trees.
Jake. Flying.

Cue music. Do da do do do da do do.

That was a bit weird lol :)

Anyway....Jake was having fun, trying to get people to hug him as they 'came in for landing'
I was the only one to hug him though.
Did it twice.
Though the second time.
I ended up getting off balance, so I hung onto him a bit longer then normal as I tried to find my feet when the zipline made it a bit hard to balance.
And he said that I had mauled him like a bear.
And didn't do the hugging thing afterwards.
:( It was...somewhat hurtful.
I only hung onto him, I didn't scratch him or anything.
Yet...he told everyone that I had mauled him like a bear.
My fun....was muted after that point.
As I couldn't tell if he was just teasing me....or if he was serious and I'd somehow hurt him....
I felt....out casted after that point.
Like he feared I'd knock him over or something.
It its hard for me to knock anyone over since I'm rather tiny...

I prefer Dream Jake.......
As he didn't give me a virtual slap in the face like Zipline Jake did with the continuous bear mauling comments....

Anyway! :)
Congrats Olympic Medalists!

Gold: United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Hungary, New Zealand, Brazil, Belarus, Ukraine, Spain, Romania, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Iran, Poland, Cuba, Sweden, Jamaica, Czech Republic, North Korea, Kenya, South Africa, Croatia, Ethiopia, Slovenia, Switzerland, Georgia, Norway, Dominican Republic, Lithuania, Algeria, Grenada, Venezuela

Silver: United States, China, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Hungary, New Zealand, Brazil, Belarus, Spain, Romania, Denmark, Iran, Poland, Cuba, Sweden, Jamaica, Czech Republic, Kenya, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, Croatia, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, India, Slovakia, Switzerland, Georgia, Norway, Armenia, Belgium, Mongolia, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Estonia, Indonesia, Serbia, Thailand, Tunisia, Chinese Taipei (Taiwan), Cyprus, Finland, Guatemala, Malaysia, Portugal

Bronze: United States, China,, Russia, Great Britain, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, South Korea, Italy, Netherlands, Canada, Hungary, New Zealand, Brazil, Belarus, Ukraine, Spain, Romania, Denmark, Kazakhstan, Iran, Poland, Cuba, Sweden, Jamaica, Czech Republic, North Korea, Kenya, Colombia, Mexico, Croatia, Ethiopia, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, India, Slovakia, Georgia, Norway, Armenia, Belgium, Mongolia, Lithuania, Estonia, Indonesia, Serbia, Thailand, Tunisia, Greece, Moldova, Qatar, Singapore, Argentina, Hong Kong, Ireland, Kuwait, Morocco, Puerto Rico, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, Trinidad & Tobago, Turkey, Uzbekistan

May the competition be just as fierce tomorrow! :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was in a place that looked like an older church with alot of white brick walls. And I noticed that outside many of the doors were numbers. Like 83041 and such. Engraved into the wall and such which made me think the place used to be a prison or an asylum, So I wasn't very comfortable in that area, I was made even more uncomfortable when I was trying to find a stall in the bathroom, but the cracks between wall and door were way too wide and some of the toilets were huge. Like tub sized, and I turned around and there was Judy sitting in a tube. I hadn't seen her in forever so I signed to her and she signed back. It was weird because I couldn't fully understand what she was signing but I got the general gist of what she was signing.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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