Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Burning Electric Pain

Ah the Funny Bone.
Hitting it is really not that funny at all.
At least for the person who hits their funny bone.

Most of the time it isn't that bad when you hit it.
A slight pain. Some tingling.
And walla, it's gone!

Not yesterday.

Somehow, while getting stuff out of our freezer,
I managed to hit my elbow at just the right angle.
To cause super super pain!

Seriously! It felt like getting hit by a lightning bolt.
Only it didn't stop there.
The tingling all the way from elbow to the tip of my pinky. (just the pinky, no other fingers were harmed.)
Changed in an instant to burning heat.
like my hand was on fire.

Plus, it didn't fade. The pain, the heat did after like thirty seconds or so. 
It hurt for like two hours afterwards.

And is still tender to the touch today. *shakes head*
It's so odd. I didn't even hit a corner of something!
It felt like I hit the flat edge of the top of the fridge....somehow, that made it twice as worse.

Who knows how that worked out.
Hopefully I don't do it again, ever.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was getting ready for a party, and I really wanted to wear a dress I had picked out for the occasion, but my grandmother wanted me to wear a dress by sponsors, a $40,000 dollar dress that I did not want to wear, but my grandmother was making me. I tried to lock myself in my brother's room, but the lock didn't work. So I went into my closet, got some different clothes, white pants and such. Then

the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
And I became myself again. :)


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