Monday, October 21, 2013

October 1996 General Conference Sunday Morning Session

James E. Faust - "Woman, Why Weepest Thou?"
  • The complexities of this life at times tend to be very dehumanizing and overwhelming. Some have so much, while other struggle with so very little.
  • Our suffering in this life can be as the refining fire, purifying us for a higher purpose. Heartaches can be healed, and we can come to know a soul-satisfying joy and happiness beyond our dreams and expectations.
  • I believe the kind and merciful God, whose children we are, will judge us a lightly as He can for the wrongs that we have done and give us the maximum blessing for the good that we do.
  • "The principle of repentance--of rising again whenever we fall, brushing ourselves off, and setting off again on that upward trail--is the basis for our hope. It is through repentance that the Lord Jesus Christ can work his healing miracle, infusing us with strength when we are weak, health when we are sick, hope when we are downhearted, love when we feel empty, and understanding when we search for truth."
  • "I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil.
  • The Savior's prayer both commands us to avoid evil and proffers divine help to do so.
  • The members should have the same care one for another.
  • "And whether on member suffer, all the members suffer with it; or one member be honoured, all the members rejoice with it.
Dallin H. Oaks -"Always Have His Spirit"
  • That comforter dwells in us. He teaches us all things and brings all things to our remembrance. He guides us into truth and shows us things to come.
  • "Everybody has the Spirit of God."
  • The Light of Christ is given to all men and women that they may know good from evil; manifestations of the Holy Ghost are given to lead sincere seekers to gospel truths that will persuade them to repentance and baptism.
  • The gift of the Holy Ghost includes the right to constant companionship, that we may "always have his Spirit to be with [us]"
  • The Holy Ghost "comes a little at a time as you merit it. And as your life is in harmony, you gradually receive the Holy Ghost in a great measure."
  • Any who may have thought it a small thing to partake of the sacrament should remember the Lord's declaration that the foundation of a great work is laid by small things, for "out of small things proceedeth that which is great." Out of the seemingly small act of consciously and reverently renewing our baptismal covenants comes a renewal of the blessings of baptism by water and by the Spirit, that we may always have his Spirit to be with us. In this way all of us will be guide, and in this way all of us can be cleansed.
Richard C. Edgley -"We Care Enough to Send Our Very Best"
  • To the many thousands of you not of our faith who have befriended these young people, we give our most sincere thanks and we pray that God's choicest blessings will be with you.
Robert D. Hales -The Eternal Family
  • An eternal bond doesn't just happen as a result of sealing covenants we make in the temple. How we conduct ourselves in this life will determine what we will be in all the eternities to come. To receive the blessings of the sealing that our Heavenly Father has given to us, we have to keep the commandments and conduct ourselves in such a way that our families will want to live with us in the eternities. The family relationships we have here on this earth are important, but they are much more important for their effect on our families for generations in mortality and throughout all eternity.
  • By divine design, husband and wife are equal partners in their marriage and parental responsibilities.
  • While our individual salvation is based on our individual obedience, it is equally important that we understand that we are each an important and integral part of a family and the highest blessings can be received only within an eternal family.
  • The eternal nature of an individual becomes the eternal nature of the family.
  • There is life after death, not only for the individual but also for the family.
  • The fullness of the gospel of Jesus Christ brings great comfort in stressing times of mortality. It brings light where there is darkness and a calming influence where there is turmoil. It gives eternal hope where there is mortal despair. It is more than just beautiful doctrine. It is a reality in our lives that if we can be obedient and obtain the eternal rewards that God grants us, if we will draw nigh unto Him and embrace the eternal doctrine, we will be blessed.
Gordon B. Hinckley -Women of the Church
  • First let me say to you sisters that you do not hold a second place in our Father's plan for the eternal happiness and well-being of His children. You are an absolutely essential part of that plan.
  • Each of you is a daughter of God, endowed with a divine birthright. you need no defense of that position.
  • There is strength and great capacity in the women of this Church. There is leadership and direction, a certain spirit of independence, and yet great satisfaction in being a part of this, the Lord's kingdom, and of working hand in hand with the priesthood to move it forward.
  • You sisters are the real builders of the nation wherever you live, for you have created homes of strength and peace and security. These become the very sinew of any nation.
  • I regret that there are some men undeserving of the love of their wives and children. The7re are children who fear their fathers, and wives who fear their husbands. If there be any such men within the hearing of my voice, as a servant of the lord I rebuke you and call you to repentance. Discipline yourselves. Master your temper. Most of the things that make you angry are of very small consequence. And what a terrible price you are paying for your anger.
  • To you single women who wish to be married, I repeat what I recently said in a meeting for singles in this Tabernacle: "Do not give up hope. And do not give up trying. But do give up being obsessed with it. The chances are that if you forget about it and become anxiously engaged in other activities, the prospects will brighten immeasurably.
  • A 'ward family' can make all the difference.
  • "Life has been hard, ... but we put on the whole armor of God as we kneel in family prayer ... , asking for help and guidance and sharing thanks for the blessings we have received. I pray daily for the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost to guide me."
  • For you who are single parents, I say that many hands stand ready to help you. The Lord is not unmindful of you. Neither is His Church. 
  • There is a certain beauty that shines through your countenance. It is the beauty that comes of peace. There may still be struggle, but there is mature wisdom to meet it. There are health problems, but there is a certain composure concerning them. The bad memories of the past have largely been forgotten, while the good memories return and bring sweet and satisfying enrichment to life.
Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

There was a new enemy in town. King Henry (based off of the evil king from Robin Hood). He'd taken over a castle nearby Peter Pan's 'playground' where he and all the children played. The war was nearly ended. King Henry had taken over a lot, but Peter was still trying to fight, to get his home back. He had gathered a small group of children still loyal to him, and he was trying to sneak into the castle, only the security on the place had tightened up. Three of the 'little raccoons' were trying to get in through a pipe system connected from the playground toy to the castle. Only, the guards spotted Pan, and he and one other boy had to run away while one single guard in purple chased after them with a sort of laser gun. The fate of the boys in the pipe remained unknown, but Pan had to run through Fluffy's neighborhood and into a bog of water covered in lily pads to escape the fire. He swam on his back underwater to keep an eye on the gunman and make sure that he could stay out of range. Pan ended up at the playground, trying to blend in with all the children there. There were three distinct camps separated into Type A. Type B. and Type C personalities. Each group got a different playground to play on. Pan took shelter in the biggest one reserved for the Type A personalities -or the leaders- it was made of wood, and the back area of it (it was a lot like a fort/playground made of wood) Could lift up for a view on the Type B playground. This little nook was where Pan met up with another friend (Possibly Robin Hood) who regretted that he couldn't get to Pan in time to help out before now. Now Robin, was just basically trying to make sure that everyone had a place to sleep, and discovering this little nook could be used for two or three couples when the weather would get cold. There was also a girl there, blonde (was the girl from the Dog Blog TV show on Disney) was also there trying to help. She apparently was in the Type B group. The Thinkers (geeks). their playground was a series of long strips of trampolines and monkey bars. Those didn't really get used though, because they aren't the active group. They just gather with their noses in the books. The last group type C was the field area. A ton of children were there. The 'active ones' Where there were giant red bouncy balls to avoid and play with, and other life size games. These children were more watched then the other groups with guards everywhere. In any case. Pan...was seriously debating about whether or not he should just turn himself in. Give up. Or actually stay and fight and risk hurting his friends further then they were being hurt under King Henry's rule. He wanted to fight, to show the children there was a better way, but with everything stacked up against him.....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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