Saturday, October 19, 2013


I must have always been an animal tamer.
;) Because in a lot of my little kid photos, I seem to have cats nearby. lol.

I had the opportunity to go through some of my old stuff this weekend.
And when I mean old stuff...
I mean a ton of papers.

And when I mean a ton of papers try....everything from elementary school to college.
Talk about cra-a-a-zy.
There are things where I'm like "I remember this!!" and others where I was like "AH HA! Proof!" of things I remembered that nobody else remembered.
But most of all, there's a lot of 'I actually did this stuff?!?"

It was crazy.
And I really don't know why I kept like three tubs full of paperwork. *shakes head*
Thinking back, it started out as "I need this for the end of the semester. -> I may need to re use this next year -> I might use this later. -> Aww this is sentimental -> Ugh, I don't want it but there's something there, lets just put it in this pile and I'll go through it later....and it kept piling on and piling on....til now. When I went through it all.

Wow. I'm lucky that I'm pretty sure all my teachers are alive,
Because they would probably be rolling over in their graves right now.
For how much I threw away as 'useless'
Poor teachers, they assign us soo much...only to have it tossed out at some future point...
But hey, I kept a lot of it for a looong time. :)

Still it was fun to see things.
Like how my reading goals went from 24pts all the way up to 190pts during the four term semester.
And how I managed to 500 points at one time as well in Elementary School.
Of course there are all the honor student awards, good citizenship awards, being awesome awards, and even! My only science fair project that one first place!  :D Woot!
Plus there were old pictures, old drawings, old yearbooks.
And tons and tons of mathwork. ()_()
Haha, it's interesting to note that I loved Math when I was younger.
And while I still enjoy it....
Then Reading I disliked, but now love.
How one of my animal science classes actually covered the animals I currently work with at Starsmet. O.o And I thought I was just awesome and knew it all already ;) haha.

I even found some odds and ends amongst all the paper work that I had been looking for for years without success. :)

All in all, when I wasn't tossing out the mile and a half wide field of math problems and power point notes... it was rather enjoyable to see the strides I made through the years.
Of course, I managed to narrow it down to half a tub full of stuff. :)
Which is rather impressive for me.
I totally thought I would end up going "I can't throw this out! But this! I need to keep this!"
Nope. Not at all.
It was mostly. "YEAH! Let's get this weight off my shoulders!" *toss*
So, dear teachers. Hopefully you're not cringing at reading this.
But YAY!!! Less of a fire hazard at my parents house! lol. ^^;;

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.

Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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