Tuesday, October 8, 2013

My Purse's Talent

Most purses have the same talent.
That of being able to hold a gazillion things...and the owner never being able to find that one item they need...because it somehow moved to the bottom of the purse when you weren't looking.

But my purse.
It's unique.
It has a different talent.
One that it likes to pull out....
Just when I need a pen.

And what is this said talent?

Taking apart my pens.

Seriously. I reach in, grab a pen...and find out it's missing it's lid.
Or I just grab the little canister holding the ink.

Somehow, my purse manages to take them apart.
and I have no idea how.

I mean, the pens would have to somehow unscrew themselves....and takes a bit of effort.

Somehow, it's being managed.

Because when I emptied my bag. (full of notebooks and other stuff)
I found

FOUR pens undone. The pieces scattered all across the bottom of the bag.

Luckily, all the pieces were there. :D
So it wasn't too much of a problem to put them back together. :D

lol, I've also discovered I'm a bit of a pen collector.

As I had a total of 13 pens all hiding out in my bag. (14 now)

Heh, I tend to grab a pen whenever I'm at the Institute and I notice that they have a new color of pen out. If I like the colors, I grab one...or two...maybe three....

I like the pens, they work well. ^^ lol

I just hope I don't find any more undone in the bottom of my bag. >.>

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I'd come afoul someone and had been turned into one of the blue avatar looking people from the movie. We were working on performing, climbing an old apple tree, and the time to perform had come, only I hadn't been practicing my skills as much as I should have been. I was trying to make up for it, but the tree branches and cracks were covered in chalk dust, making it difficult to get a good grip on anything and climb fast. It was rather depressing, but I tried to appear cheerful about my circumstances -being a blue person, not being able to climb- to the mother figure who appeared searching for me. She cheered me up, and when danger came, I was able to move through the branches easily....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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