Friday, October 4, 2013

A Red Yellow White Solution

HAHA! Success!!

Oh, yes, I can be such a creative genius. :D

Okay, so you remember like a week ago when I was complaining about how I couldn't watch my VHS movies on the HD screen? Because I couldn't connect the yellow cord anywhere?

Well...I still can't do that.

But I have bypassed that! HA!

You see, I had this idea while I was typing that post, that maybe I could jerryrig a way to watch the VHS movies. And last night, I finally had a moment to put that plan into action!

What was the plan?
Well, waaaay back when I graduated from High School.
My parents got me a graduation present of a TV.
I may have mentioned this TV a time or two.
For people often mistake it for a computer screen as it's rather small.
Still, it's been a good buddy of mine for the college life.
It stays in use until my roommates decide to bring in a bigger TV and then it goes into storage until the next set of roommates move in. lol.

Well, it stayed in storage this time around as the apt place came already equipped with a TV.
But I thought to myself.
You know...I know that that TV can play VHS tapes. 
And I could probably hook up two separate TVs to my one VCR/DVD player.

So I dug out my TV from it's storage spot (under my bed)
Grabbed the yellow cord.
Well, I found out I can't play video on one tv and sound on the other.
Soo I had to unhook the red and white audio cord from the HD TV and with a bit of trial and error...

Take that technology!
I win. :P it's a partial victory as I still can't watch the movies on the big tv.
but a small TV is better then no TV right? :)
And finally. Finally, I can watch all my Disney movies that I've been without. ;) lol.
I mean...the superhero movies that are most of my DVDs are great. But sometimes, you just need a good heartwarming Disney movie. :)

You can't believe how giddy I was to get my movie working. lol. ^^

And then.
The boys came over.
lol. A couple of my roommate's guy friends dropped by.
And when they asked how I was doing,
I was like "Great! I can watch my VHS movies now!"
and boys being boys.
They decided to look at my handy work,
and tried to make it so that I could watch VHS on the big tv.
lol. Oh silly boys.
I admire their willingness to help me out. 
Yet they do need to work a little tiny bit on their listening skills.
Of course, I don't have techno speak really.
So my explanation of "Yah, the HD tv doesn't play VHS movies because it doesn't have a place for the yellow cord as the TV runs on a Red Blue Green cord system (and white and red for audio) and not a yellow red and white cord system. and since the VHS requires a yellow cord...basically I need to get a $30 converter cord to make it work with the HD TV"
probably didn't make too much sense.
They used words like "Analog cable." and other ones I don't remember.
And after ten or so minutes of fiddling around.
What I'd told them in my speak finally sunk into their speak.

Soo...they left defeated. Unable to get the VHS to play on the big screen.
Of course, they may not be so defeated.
As when my roommate got back, she told me that the boys are planning to fiddle around some more after Conference tomorrow as they are convinced that there is a way to get the VHS player to work on the Big TV. From what I can figure out...they're going to try and use the small TV as a by pass route to get the picture onto the big TV...
lol I guess I'll see when I get home tomorrow...if they did it or not. :)

Still. For now.
I'm celebrating my mini victory.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

1 comment:

  1. Wow, those boys are freakin' persistent! Hm... any attractive single ones? ;)
    And congrats!
