Tuesday, March 10, 2015

A Day in Review - March 10th

Thursday, March 10th 2005

-The antibiotics my mom was on in the hospital stopped working, so they had to have an operation on her. She's fine now, but she's still in the hospital. I also got the stuff to register for High School today. It's all very stressful because it feels like there's a million different classes I can take.

Tuesday, March 10th 2009

-Today I was the only girl in a roomful of guys in my institute class. Too bad I think only one of them is cute. In my ASL class I got a 44/50 and a 49/50 on my test. This morning Mike (not sure which one) gave me and Kristin a ride to school again. My philosophy class was cancelled for the next two times. I practiced a bit after school for my ASL test tomorrow. (not the certification I think...)

Wednesday, March 10th 2010

- School went pretty normally. We still had the sub in sociology, and I came home during my two hour break to work on homework. I went back to my Psych class where we had the creepy sub again. XP bleh. Came home, hung out with Kristin until we both had to go back to school. I went to institute after class for the munch and mingle with Heather, but it started an hour later than we thought so I snuck a cookie with Heather's permission and we went home. I tried cooking a single serving of lasagna via frozen food box and oven and it was delicious! I ate the whole thing which was surprising. I tried talking to Brandon as well (dude I was dating) but he wasn't responding. He kept the texts very short so I'm wondering if I did something wrong. :(

Thursday, March 10th 2011

- I was somewhat late to dance today because I set my alarm for 8:45 instead of 7:45 by accident. :S The day went well otherwise. I tried to take my Chemistry test today but it wasn't in the testing center. I had an ABA (writers group) meeting today and somehow broke a toenail and some point...probably at dance.

Saturday, March 10th 2012

-I woke up this morning to find that another blog -Totally Missing The Point- had done another post, and I'd been mentioned in it! I was so excited! I spent the morning just composing a response to it -my first time responding on another blog- before Kikay and I drove up to South Jordan to meet up with our roommates Kah and Tif to watch The Lorax movie at the theatre there as Kah thought it was the best theatre all around. Afterwards we went to dinner at her favorite pizza place....such a weird place. We had a guy take our order not once, but THREE separate times. As first we were just going to eat at a table in the waiting room area, but then decided to go for a bigger table....and our order was confusing him so we had to simplify it...I think he was on something....as he told him three times...and he brought out our orders Three times. Not just the once when we finally decided what we wanted, but three times. O.o We ended up getting a discount on our food for the trouble and all the confusion. Afterwards we went to Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory and I ended up buying $9 worth of fudge. O.o (I thought it was pricey) So delicious! We then dropped by Tif's parents home and ended up meeting her animals there and playing ping pong before I came home to pack. As I was going down to St. George in the morning (Spring Break with the LDSSA Council)

Sunday, March 10th 2013

-I didn't sleep well again the night before. Due to a tension headache. We had daylight savings today so I ended up dozing in until around 12:30 which was great, as church was in an hour and it was fast sunday today. So I had little time to actually be hungry. It was hard to focus on church though as my Brother had texted my sister that he was stranded down in Beaver. The clutch in his car had gone out on his way back from Vegas. So she went to rescue him. I wanted to go too....but Kikay insisted she needed some alone time. I didn't push it, she'd been going through a hard time as a student of hers/friend at her work...had committed suicide recently, and I think everyone is still in shock from that. I kept myself useful by being the go between for the parents and the siblings so everyone was updated on what was happening. I was busy too, cooking up dinner for my Cousin Brandon as we were having our Cousin dinner tonight, Kikay ended up not making it as she was grabbing my brother but I made Tortellini with Alfredo Sauce, Cheesy Breadsticks, Salad, and a BAM (smoothie) for dinner which ended up just being me and Brandon. He liked it well enough though as he took seconds of everything. ^^ My siblings dropped by briefly on their way up to the hometown to grab the left over food. I spent the rest of the evening uploading some Vocal Point videos I'd taken at their concert the night before until I headed for bed. :)

Monday, March 10th 2014

-I'm really hating our new policy with our cat adoptions area, where if we have three empty cages we immediately call the shelter we're partnering with for the month to come bring us some more. Gah! Cats take forever to do! Especially when they're all messy! I just want to get us down to like three cats in our ten cages so I can quickly get them done and on to the rest of the tasks I have to accomplish in the morning, like the cage cleanings. Today I had birds, and I had to scrub fish tanks too. >.< Mlehaagha. I took a nap once I got home and then spent the rest of the evening working on a map for the Forest Story I'm working on.

Tuesday, March 10th 2015

-Work came too early this morning due to me staying up late working on a writing project with Jessva the night before. Thankfully I had a short shift today, and a second opener to open up my department with me. We managed to get most of it open before we both left for the day. :) I came home intending to take a nap, but Jessva ended up being online when I went to continue where we'd left off, so I spent the afternoon/evening writing with her instead of sleeping. I took a quick shower to wake myself up a bit before heading to my Institute class where I shared a couple of my favorite scriptures 1 Corinthians 10:13 and 2 Nephi 4: 27-28 with the class. :) Met a couple of guys afterwards as we went to the Munch and Mingle and ate pancakes. :) I then dropped by Barnes and Noble like usual and came back home. :)

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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