Saturday, March 7, 2015

Meeting the Point

It takes a lot for me to approach people I admire.
You know, those famous people, authors, artists, singers, actors.

It's hard to convince myself to approach them.
Even if they're letting other people approach them.
Like they're sitting at a table signing autographs.

Because I know they see so many fans already....
That I don't want to intrude on their time. Have them have to deal with another admirer. Have yet another person tell them they're amazing, that what they've done is wonderful, that they love all that they do.
They're probably really busy already, I don't want to intrude on their time.

And then....I'm rather shy already.
Most people don't think that of me.
But when I'm first brought into new situations.
I'm really quiet. I'm not one to approach others, especially when I really admire them, when I want our first meeting to go well...if I ever really talked to them at all.
I want the experience to go well.
I don't want to just feel like an unwanted pest. Someone to tolerate.

So for years, I've gone to Vocal Point concerts.
yet, I've never had the gumption to meet them. To stand in line after their concerts to say Hi.

Last night, that changed.

I went to the Vocal Point concert last night.
It was great, awesome. ^^

And afterwards, like always they went to a table to sign and talk to those who wished to do so.
Once again, I stared at them.
Trying to convince myself to stand in line....the chance was taken away from me as a friend I came with needed to go home.
As this time, I'd been trying to convince myself that this time. This time I would get in line.

But on the way home, I got a message.
That some people I'd been thinking I'd meet up with -friends that I'd only known online who'd come into town for the concert as well.- were actually there.
I wanted to meet them.
So after dropping off my friend I turned the car around and went back to the concert.
And found the people I sought. ^^

We talked for a bit and they asked if I'd met the guys yet.
I told them no. That I'm too shy to approach them and talk to them.

But they insisted that I be introduced. So they took me to the Director of Vocal Point.
Mckay Crockett.

Former member of Vocal Point, also member of Hudson Lights whose concert I went to last week.

And they were like "Hey! Mckay! Do you know who this is?!"
He gave me that look of 'I'm trying to place your face.' as he smiled big and wide and gave me a side hug and said "Of course I do!"
-Having never spoken to him before this point I had high doubts that he actually knew who I was.
And my online friends were like "This is one of the Super Blog Helpers from that TMTP Blog from a couple of years ago!"

lol they were really excited when I started to follow them on Twitter. I'm basically a connection to the past and the present is how they put it.
In any case.
I had an awesome talk with Mckay! And to my surprise. He actually knew who I was. He'd seen me on Social Media. He knew my name as Sarnic Dirchi!
He even knew that I'd gone to his Hudson Lights concert! And he had been so disappointed that I hadn't dropped by to say Hi afterwards. O.o

It was soo crazy.
And Mckay made it feel like I wasn't a burden, wasn't like the millionth person he'd talked to that day about the concerts. It was a good feeling, that he seemed to genuinely want to talk for a little bit.
And insisted himself that I go and talk to the members of Vocal Point, that they would be glad to talk to me.
Soo...I found myself in line, but I didn't want to appear without anything to sign, so I looked at the prices of things, thought I could get a poster, and asked the guy who was packing up the merchandise if I could quickly buy a poster.
And to my surprise, he just handed it to me and said "Take it. You've waited in line long enough."
Wow. ^^'' Free poster!! Woot!!
I got to talk to a couple of members of vocal point, my online friends again explaining who I was, before Mckay called out that it was picture time.
O.o Picture time?
He asked who had a camera.
And being the helper I was, I pulled out mine to use.
And he was like "Great! Go stand in front of them."
O.o Wait what?!
And before I knew it, I was standing with all of Vocal Point around me, smiling at my phone as Mckay took pictures of us all.
I got my picture with Vocal Point?!
Can I say that I was in heaven at that point? Because it sure felt like it. The guys had talked to me, I hadn't felt like a nuisance, I'd gotten a free poster, and it was all amazing!! ^^
I'm glad that my online friends were able to help me out and give me this positive and treasured memory. ^^
 Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

The Dream

I was at work, trying to get ready for holiday shopping at a Target type of store, making sure my department of clothes and such were all in order so my boss -a big dark skinned woman known for wanting everything to be perfect- wouldn't get mad at me. Then randomly there was a picture of my Grandma Retrun (Mom's mom) And my mom came up to me and told me to go look at the picture again and I did, and Grandma who'd been facing forward, was now facing a different direction. She'd moved! And when she realized we'd seen her move, she turned back to how she'd first been positioned, but then Mother Dearest touched her portrait like an ipad and she could manipulate the photo so Grandma would turn whichever direction she wanted and she could go full body or just her head in this. It was crazy....

Then the unholy tones of daylight pulled me away....
and I became myself again. :)


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