Wednesday, March 25, 2015

VT Difficulties

Why is it so hard to knock on a door?
Seriously, it's like six feet away from me.
Yet I find it difficult to do so.
To go to the next apartment and knock.
Because I don't want to get rejected.
I don't want to come out of it feeling like I'd just made a fool of myself.

Honestly, it should be easy.
Go knock on their door.
Say hi. try and make friends. Talk. Have a good time.

It's difficult.

Honestly, I don't need a reason to feel worse about myself.

Seriously, Visiting Teaching is not for the introverted people.
The ones content to stay in a quiet corner. To watch. To listen. To enjoy from a distance.

Visiting Teaching is basically the opposite of that.
You have to get up.
Go out, expose yourself, go be the one to instigate talking with others?
It's difficult.
It's hard.

Yet it has to be done...
Hopefully tomorrow brings the courage to do just that...

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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