Tuesday, June 2, 2015

A Day in Review -June 2nd

Friday, June 2nd 2006

-Today was the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! I rode the school bus into school, and there was like only 5 kids on the bus. The bus driver gave us some chocolate and pop in celebration. I then got my yearbook. (200 pages. Wow.) I met up with my friends Tay and Jess, we went to the seminary and around school getting signatures from students and teachers. It was fun.

Tuesday, June 2nd 2009

-I woke up at the unholy hour of 5:20 am (ha. ha. ha.) to get ready and fly to Virginia. Dad drove me to the airport and I was getting teary-eyed thinking I was flying by myself without my family with me for the first time. I got to the airport and hugged my dad goodbye before walking into the terminal. I made it through security with all the crazy stuff we have to do nowadays. My bag got searched, probably because of how many books I had packed. A girl took my bag, opened it asking about fragile or sharp objects, she took a wand of sorts and ran it over my bag, it passed because I got it back. I found my gate, and waited to board the plane. I had the middle seat when I boarded the plane. This guy was helpful and put my carryon on the over head rack. lol he commented that "boy this heavy what did you put in it? Dumbells?" and I was like "No, books." "Oh." He was on his way from Florida, flying to Columbus Ohio to film a documentary commercial about yogurt and obesity and grants and stuff. Seems like a fun job. I landed in Detroit, Michigan around lunch time. Got off the plane with the help of the guy again. I'm glad he was there. I caught a shuttle to the other side of the airport. Got to my next gate to find that my plane had been moved from 59 to 47 :S and I got off at 18 A. So I walked to my plane and boarded it. It was smaller and smelt funny (like liquor) I got a window seat, but the guy next to me wasn't talkative at all. The only time during this journey that I was really on edge was when the plane flew over the ocean and circled to descend. I was half terrified of the plane crashing into the ocean. We were totally over the water until the last moment when the land appeared. Landed in Norfolk Virginia. Which is totally flat with no mountains. >.< I was hoping they'd appear and grow before I arrived. :) Virginia is like a mixture of Oregon and Florida. Florida for the flatness, Oregon because of the trees. My roommate Ali and her step mom -Amber and her two kids were waiting for me after I got through security stuff. We went to lunch/dinner at Fire mountain a chuck-a-rama type buffet . We drove to Ali's house, that reminded me a lot of Grandma Turner's house. So hot...so hot in Virginia. I called my parents and AT/UB to let them know I was alright. Hung out talking with Ali until the evening before going to bed.

Wednesday, June 2nd 2010

-Woke up around 9 or 10 today, hung out a bit  before doing Laundry and finishing cleaning off the patio. First with the hose I got all the rocks off then with the help of a bucket I got the rest of the debries off the porch and swept it down and then wetted the place to death to clean off the rest of the dirt. That was fun but sweeping so much water off the porch made me sore. :S

Thursday, June 2nd 2011

-My Cous Brandon took me to see Kung Fu Panda 2. It was rather sweet of him especially since he had a headache the entire time. :( The movie itself was rather cool. I liked watching it. Especially the fighting peacock. I went down to the Institute with Kikay afterwards so I could get Dance Information to my Cochair Camrie and see if there was anything that needed to be done afterwards. Kikay and I went to Zupas where I actually finished my bowl of soup before her. (It's usually the other way.) Dropped Kikay off at the apartment to meet with her Fencing Presidency (she's in a club) whiel I ran down to Walmart to get some supplies to make cookies. I got back before Kikay and her group had even entered the building. :) After Kikay left for her date with a guy I made a double batch of otatmeal chocolate chip cookies. I almost finished but Kikay and her date walked in as I had three more pans to put in. The boy Matt was courteous and offered to help much to Kikay's delight. After the cookie sand clean up we played Uno. I won. ^^;;

Saturday, June 2nd 2012

-Tense muscles gave me a headache last night that made it difficult to sleep. At 5 am I was awakened by Daddoo to get ready to go. We ended up leaving about 6 am to drive to Cascade Locks, Oregon. I ended u sleeping til 10. I ended up dozing on and off for most of the trip. We stopped for rest breaks and food breaks along the way. Our hotel was right next to the Bridge of the Gods. I took a shower to refresh myself and then we met up with Aunt Linda, Uncle Brian and the Grandparents to go to dinner at a place called the Pub. Linda, Brian, Dad and I ended up taking a walk across the bridge. Slightly freaky because it was only metal grates so you could see the water below you.

Sunday, June 2nd 2013

-It was fast sunday and Kikay and I went to Meralt's ward which started at 1pm. So I didn't get to eat until like 4pm and it got hot in the 90s so I quickly downed a cake from Meralto's belated birthday party and some bread before going over toGrandma's home to visit. I started feeling nauseous while there, when we came back home I tried to nap it off but my family got together and looked up potential shore excursions and had pizza, I was able to tolerate it but I went to bed still not feeling well.

Monday, June 2nd 2014

-It's a rare occurrence but I got called into work an hour early this afternoon. Why? So that there would be someone in my department while the managers had their meeting. So I ended up working a 9 hour closing shift today. And crazily enough it was actually pretty busy for a Monday, unusual to the point where we had people leave because help didn't come soon enough. :( (sorry people...I tried.) Luckily I had another closer with me so we were able to stay on top of everyone for the most part though my legs kill now. I also won a prize from the Nat Geo contest of a giant container of Red Vines. Yay. love those things. ^^

Tuesday, June 2nd 2015

-Work came too early this morning, mostly because I just got back from Moab the night before and so I was still exhausted from hiking and traveling. Still me and my Manager Sirch managed to have the department pretty much opened by the time I left. ^^ Which was awesome. We work well together in opening tasks. Thankfully I had a short shift today at work because by the time I got home I really needed to crash, unfortunately my nap brought out the headache that was threatening so I ended up taking it easy for the rest of the day, with heat packs and Excedrin helping to keep the headache at bay. My roommate and I ended up watching Harry Potter 3 for our roommate Date Night, and then later Pitch Pefect. :) Twas a good relaxful evening. Glad I was able to rest, it's going to be a busy work week. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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