Saturday, July 9, 2016

Getting On My Bad Side

I made a mistake today.

I think my in the way. Or revenge. Or whatever.
In any case.
I made a mistake today.
But at least I can admit it huh?

So. What happened?

There I was.
A night shift.
At work....yah...that was kinda obvious there. lol.
In any case. Night shift. One of those rare days when I'm scheduled in the evening.

And it was a steady busy for the most part. Lots of customers, but not overwhelmingly so.
I ended up encountering a family.
Who wanted to get a hamster.

Which. I was fine with.
Until I overheard them saying they were going to put him in a cardboard box.

Why in the world would you want to do that?!
Cardboard box = chewable and hamsters LOVE to chew.
If they were going to keep it in the box.
He was going to chew a hole through it during the night, and escape, and be lost forever in their house.

So I tried to convince them that they needed to buy an actual cage. One of the plastic ones. Or a tank or something that wouldn't allow the hamster to escape.

But there was a slight language barrier.
I'm not sure how much they understood me.

But I could tell that they were concerned about the money. How much it would cost for that $20 cage plus the $15 hamster plus the $8 bag of food plus a lot of other things.
Reality is that a hamster set up usually costs around $60-$80 depending on sales.

And it seemed like they were trying to get the bare basics.
The hamster. The Food. Maybe a water bottle.
I'm not sure if they bought anything else....

Right then and there.
I should have just refused the sale.

That was my mistake.
Refuse to sale the hamster to the family.
Because they weren't going to give the hamster a good home.
They were going to lose him and have upset kids.

It wasn't a good deal.

Idk. Pride? Ego? Revenge? Annoyance? It got in the way of good judgement whatever the emotion was.

It was the "You want the hamster and you want to put him in a box? Well FINE" then you don't get "this and this and this and this!"

Petty I know.
Very very petty in retrospect.

Probably the other mistake actually.

As I neglected to tell them more of what they would need -like bedding and chew toys-
Not that they would have bought it anyway since they were being all "lets spend as little as possible."

I neglected to tell them how to properly handle the hamster, or that if it wasn't working out they could return the hamster within a certain time period.
-Part of me was like: What's the point? It's going to be missing in the morning.

You can't return something you don't have.

And top off the petty cake.

I gave them a choice on what hamster they wanted.
Without saying anything about their personalities.
As there were two hamsters in the cage.
And originally they wanted the first one they saw, which was the more mellow one.
But then I showed them that there was a second one in the cage.
Who was a bit more feisty and also had more unique coloring.

Unsurprisingly. They chose the feisty one.
Which, if they don't handle it well.
Will probably end up biting them more than once.

I mean, all hamsters can bite you.
And this one hadn't bitten me or anyone else yet.
But I could see it had the potential too.

*shrugs* It could mellow out and be an awesome pet.
Or it could be their worst nightmare.

At that point in time...I was banking on nightmare.
Y_Y Not my proudest moment for sure.

If the hamster doesn't escape. Then they might have ended up with a demon hamster. A hamster that they don't know they can return because I didn't tell them they could return it.

So more than likely the hamster is going to escape and get loose. I'm hoping he makes it outdoors....learns to live in the wild, has a long life out there.....
Or that they try to return the hamster anyway if they find him again.

I mean....
I probably should have been more helpful.
I shouldn't have gone into 'shut down' mode and just stopped trying.

Who knows why the parents were going as inexpensive as they were.
Perhaps they had no money.
Perhaps they were trying to please a child who'd been begging for a pet for forever and they finally said yes.
Perhaps they actually were just being cheap, trying to please the child but spend as little money as possible on this pet.

Who knows. They do. I don't.

So yah....
I made a mistake today.

The only thing left really is to live and learn from it.

If they can't provide a proper home.
Don't sell them the animal!!
Geez. Sarnic. You know that!! Be more firm next time instead of just caving in like that.

Live and learn.
Live and learn.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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