Wednesday, November 30, 2016

A Little Betrayal

It's the little things that get you.
Quite literally.
It's the little things.

So there I was,
being a good little coworker.
Helping out my fellow cashier by backing them up since they were swamped with customers and I had no one in my dept that needed immediate help.

Which is a good thing, because cashiering is a black hole that can suck you in and refuse to spit you out.
This was one of those occasions.
Where I got stuck at the register as people kept coming.

One set of customers came up to my register that I'd known.
As I'd spoken to them a bit earlier, helping them to buy things they would need for their new puppy that they were going to get.

And as I was grabbing things from their cart, to scan and then place in a bag.
I suddenly felt this jabbing pain in my thumb.

Which was weird.
Because I was handling a plastic stocking full of dog toys.
There should have been nothing about said item to jab me.
Stab me.

Yet it had.
And what had stabbed me?

A Staple!!!
There were staples holding the cardboard to the stocking and one of the little metal prongs had been pulled up, and I somehow managed to get my thumb in just the right position to stab myself with it.

Talk about.


I stabbed myself deep enough to cause it to bleed.
And to make it rather difficult to use said thumb afterwards as now its aching like crazy. *exhales*

Tomorrow at work is going to be interesting with a thumb that's pain sensitive....

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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