Thursday, May 18, 2017

An Abandoned Roadside

One evening as night was falling, I was driving with my children when I noticed a boy walking along a lonely road.
After passing him, I had a distinct impression I should go back and help him.
But worried it could frighten him to have a stranger pull up beside him at night, I continued driving.
The strong impression came again with the words in my mind: "Go help that boy!'

I drove back to him and asked, "Do you need some help?
I had a feeling I should help you."

He turned toward us and with tears streaming down his cheeks said, "Would you?
I've been praying someone would help me."

His prayer for help was answered with the inspiration that came to me.
This experience of receiving such clear direction from the Spirit left an unforgettable imprint that is still I my heart.

And now after 25 years and through a tender mercy, I connected again with this boy for the first time just a few months ago.
I discovered that the experience isn't just my story--it is his story too.
Deric Nance is now a father with a family of his own.
He too has never forgotten this experience.
It helped us lay a foundation of faith that God hears and answers our prayers.
Both of us have used it to teach our children that God is watching over us.
We are not alone.

On that night, Deric had stayed after school for an activity and had missed the last bus.
As a young teenager, he felt confident he could make it home, so he started walking.

An hour and a half had passed as he walked the lonely road.
Still miles from home and with no houses in sight, he was scared.
In despair, he walked behind a pile of gravel, got on his knees, and asked Heavenly Father for help.
Just minutes after Deric returned to the road, I stopped to provide the help he prayed for.

And now these many years later, Deric reflects: "The Lord was mindful of me, a skinny, shortsighted boy.
And despite everything else going on in the world, He was aware of my situation and loved me enough to send help.
The Lord has answered my prayers many times since that abandoned roadside.
His answers aren't always as immediate and clear, but His awareness of me is just as evident today as it was that lonely night.
Whenever the dark shadows of life blanket my world, I know He always has a plan to see me safely home again."

As Deric expressed, not every prayer is answered so quickly.
But truly our Father knows us and hears the pleadings of our hearts.
He accomplishes His miracles one prayer at a time, one person at a time.

-Jean A. Stevens -"Fear Not; I am with Thee"  -April 2014 General Conference

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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