Friday, May 5, 2017

Words on Paper

I finished another journal last night.
Which isn't too surprising to me, as I usually fill up a journal in about 6 months.

But it's gotten me in the contemplative mood about how much I actually write in a day.

Because really, there are some days where I feel like a total slacker. That I haven't been writing at all.
But that's because I tend to focus on writing in the concept of "creating a story that will be turned into a book and read by hundreds or maybe thousands of people."

Which I struggle to do as guys, writing is hard.
At least when you're trying to create a story with characters and plot and scenery.
So much thinking is involved in that.

Not that thinking isn't involved in other writing projects.'s less brain power I suppose.

lol. Depending on if I have a headache that day too.

In any case.

It's not like I don't do writing on a daily basis.
Four blogs, social media, a journal, and occasionally story writing in notebooks or on the computer....

I do write a lot.
If not wherein I want to be writing lol.

Still. I am curious.
How much do I write in a day?
Is it 1k words? 10k words? Two pages? Nine?
It's hard to judge really.

But at least I'm keeping up the habit. :)
So that when I do find a groove.
I can keep going.
And going
and going. :)

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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