Friday, May 12, 2017

At The Door

Do you ever do something where you're pretty confident you're going to regret it but you end up doing it anyway?

Yah. I did that today.

And that thing?

It was watching crime shows.
While I was home alone.

Probably not the best idea to do that.
Watching shows about people who kill other people and people figure out how and why the murders killed the people they did and motives behind them killing people.

It's easy to become paranoid after that.
Especially if you watch the shows all day.
(I only watched like five episodes, so not all day.)

Where every sound, creak, groan, and gurgle that the house makes throughout the day can make you rather....twitchy.

For the most part I was fine.
I know the sounds of the house well enough to dismiss them as being 'normal' when I heard them.

And then there was a knock on a door.

A very loud. Series. Of knocks.

And I immediately went on red alert.
I wasn't expecting visitors.
And when people come to the house....they ring the doorbell.
They don't knock.
And the fact that I could hear the knocking from downstairs...meant they were knocking really loudly.

Which immediately put in my mind the image of huge hulking guys standing outside. Waiting to break down the door.

Wishing I had a bat or something in hand.
I cautiously and silently raced up the stairs and approached the door as the doorbell rang.

Who was here?
Was it my roommates? Somehow locked out? Or maybe their arms were full of things and they couldn't open the door?

A cautious glance through the peephole....
Showed no bulky guys, and no roommates.
But a friend that had showed up unannounced to give a belated birthday present to one of my roommates.


It was a major relief to not have to deal with strangers at my door today. lol.

Though again, I'm probably going to question myself two or three more times before I actively choose to watch more crime shows when I'm home alone. lol.

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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