Tuesday, May 16, 2017

On the Hunt

You know, I thought it was stressful a couple years back when a couple of friends and I were apartment hunting in CollegeTown.

First it was like. You gotta find places that are for rent, in the area you want, in the price range you want, with the size that you want, etc etc.
And then!
When you finally find a place that you want to check out in person.
There's the dreaded phone call, where you have to set up an appointment with whoever is in charge of selling contracts/apartments/homes for rent etc etc.
And then. THEN!
You either get to see the apartment only to find out a little bit later that someone else scooped up the apartment before you.
Or else you don't even get to see the apartment because someone else scooped it up before you could even see it.

Ugh!! Sooo frustrating.

But what's interesting is that apparently those who are selling the contracts for the rooms experience the same thing.

Where you have random strangers express interest in your room that you're trying to rent out.
And some never show up to their appointments.
Others show up, say they'll get back to you....and then never do.
And others...cancel last minute so you were stressing about making a good impression and having a nice clean house....for nothing.


Yah, I kinda miss the days in student housing, where you didn't have to worry about filling a room, the management would just fill it when a room emptied out...and if they didn't fill the room....it wasn't anything to you. It just meant one less roommate to worry about.

So interesting the differences.
Between apartments and houses, student housing and landlords. Totally crazy.

I'll be glad when we don't have to worry about finding another roommate any more.
*fingers crossed*

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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