Wednesday, May 31, 2017

A Slowed Down Opening

Heads Up. 
This is going to be more of a ranting post. 


It's always crazy.
Sometimes in a good way.
And sometimes in a 'running around with your head cut off' bad way.

Ever since I got back from vaca....
Work's been in more of the 'bad way' of crazy. 

And the main source of the antagonism that is making life at work slightly stressful is...
A new way of opening the department. 

Which really...all the steps and such are the same old same old.
It's just the order that the steps are done in have switched. 

With the main factor being....that our bedding changes (cleaning out animal cages) have now been moved to being basically the last thing we do when we're opening the department.

Which is crazy. 
Like...super crazy. 

Because those bedding changes can take anywhere from 2-4 hours on a good day.
And that's because we have a couple of hours BEFORE the store opens to do that, uninterrupted.
But now. With the bedding change last...
It means that we often don't get to the cage cleaning until an hour or so AFTER the store has opened.
Which means....we're constantly being interrupted by customers needing help and so the cleaning of the cages takes two to three times as long.

And I really don't understand it.
I do understand the methodology a little bit.
In that it's nice to have the department fully opened with just the bedding change left to do when customers come into the store...
But if you're trying to keep the store from looking dirty and making a mess all over the place...
Doing bedding changes after the store opens isn't the best thing to do.... because those make a mess. 

And it's more than that. 
The new opening style wants us to clean the food and water dishes/bottles DAILY for the other animal habitats. 

Which honestly, is pointless.
For reptiles their water bowls don't get dirty as most of them never use the water bowl anyways. 
Birds we already dump the food and water daily, so nothing can mold or rot in the first why clean an already clean dish? 
Hamsters: how are they going to dirty up the water in the water bottle? They're not. Food dish? Yah I can see it....but really? They don't get messy. 

It's just a waste of time, energy, and resources.
We're going to be going through more food faster. There's waaaaaayyy too much wandering back and forth when it all could be done in one single sweeping movement, and it takes four times as long to get things done when you have to take out the dishes, wash them, dry them, fill them up with food/water and put them back. 

No one. 

Not unless I want to be opening the entire 8 hours of my shift.
Which while I love tasking...
I don't like being constantly pulled away from my tasks by customers. 
And I don't like leaving the department with opening not done. 
It's frustrating. 

So we'll see how this actually pans out.

But right now.
I don't like it.
I don't like it at all.

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaes.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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