Saturday, May 27, 2017

On The Side

So there I was, in the Valley of Fire, clambering all over the red rocks because RED ROCKS!!!
When I noticed some Petroglyphs along a wall above my head.
And this nice little ledge I could walk along that would take me closer to them so I could actually see what the petroglyphs were of. 

And me, being the mountain goat I am.
Clambered up to the view zone easily. 
As I have great confidence in my ability to get up and down in red rock country.
I love the place after all. 

It's been like a year since I last scrambled around on the red sandstone. 

So when I turned around to get back down.
And looked down to the fifteen foot drop on my right. 
I admit.
There was this brief moment of terror where I couldn't move. 

Being left handed and left footed.
I had had no issue climbing up to the rocks because the edge was on my dominate side. 
But turning around.
To get back down.
Along a narrow ledge that was not much wider than my foot....
Was a bit more mentally harrowing.

Because coming back down my right side would be on the edge.
While my dominate leg and hand would be 'trapped' against the wall. 

Needless to say, I didn't have as much confidence in my right side taking the lead in this.
I guess because I wasn't confident it could handle the balancing? *shrugs* who knows.

Mostly I think it was not liking my left leg being trapped against the wall.
That if I stepped down with my right leg I would upset my center of balance and find myself falling to the ground below. 

So what was I to do?
I definitely couldn't just go back down backwards so my left leg was on the edge. As that seemed even more foolhardy. 
And I couldn't just stay up there forever more.
And I definitely didn't want to call for help as :S that would be totally embarrassing for the self proclaimed mountain goat of the red rocks to call for help because she got stuck. lol. 

So, I adjusted. 
Took a breath. 
Steadied myself on the ledge. 
And used my right foot to take the first step down. 

And managed to do it without falling! Woot!

Suddenly the terror that gripped me was gone.
And I was able to make my way easily back down the way I'd come. Right foot on the edge while the left foot was trapped against the wall. 

*shakes head* lol
It's so interesting how terror can momentarily make you motionless. 
Thankfully I was able to push through it.
And get back on the ground safely. :)

;) And go on to scamper and clamber, and climb on other red rock surfaces. XD lol. 
Ah. Red rocks. It was so good to be with you once more. :D

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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