Monday, December 17, 2018

Complaints Galore

I don't know what it was about today.
But the customers were...rather.....idk. Unpleasant? Not in a mean way. But it seemed like every customer I encountered had something to complain about.

Some complaints more valid than others. 
But like...I couldn't figure out why they were coming to me to complain?

Because it's complaints over things that I can't control and don't really matter in the long run that got on my nerves.

Complaining about the lack of fish. -Like our shipment comes tomorrow I'm sorry we're low now.

Complaining about the state of the store/lack of products on the shelf the last time a customer came in. -Did you consider it's the holiday season and so more people are in the store and more products are being sold faster and that customers make messes wherever they go and when we're short handed it's harder to keep the store looking nice inbetween customers?

Complaining about the wording on our care guide pamphlets on animals how the gallon size recommended doesn't match the tank pictured in the guide and that it should be changed. -recommended is the key word there. And like...I don't make and/or write the guides I just make sure they're in stock. *exhales*


It got on my nerves today.

I don't want to hear complaints.
Where are my happy customers?
I like helping the ones who aren't being purposely difficult when I try to help them....

And yah.

I don't get it.
Was it the overcast skies?
Was it the fact it was Monday?
Was there just something in the air that made people want to complain?
Was there just something about my aura/personality today where people just figured "You! You can fix this problem!"

*shakes head*
Who knows.

Hopefully tomorrow is better and not as difficult. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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