Friday, March 15, 2019

Vision Test

It took me far longer than it probably should have.
I mean.
They're my eyes.
And my headaches.

So I figured I would probably put two and two together.

But no.
Not really.

*shakes head*

So. It's common knowledge that I get a lot of headaches.
Though recently it's increased like...12 fold? 
To the point where I count the days I don't have headaches rather than the days I do have headaches.
To the point where there's like maybe a week in a month where there's not some ache somewhere in my head. 

It used to be like 5 or 6 a month....

So something has obviously changed.

And I'm sure a lot of it is just stress based.
As I hold my tension in my shoulders and that travels up into my neck and therefore into my head.

But in any case.
Back on point with the eyes.

I had a revelation like a month ago.
After I was suffering from yet another headache behind my right eye.

That I suddenly wondered.

If it was my contacts causing the problem.
As often I would get headaches pretty soon after putting them in in the morning, like within an hour or so after arriving to work. 
-Though not always.

But my headaches always got a little better if I took my contacts out....

In any case.
Like 8 months ago I had gone to see the eye doctor for the annual checkup but also because my eyes were bugging me like crazy.

Where it felt like one eye was working harder than the other.
Where it felt like they were constantly fighting each other and not working together.

And after a bit of trial and error and testing of different strength combinations.
I decided to strengthen the prescription in both eyes by one step. 

Which is like the first time in 10 years that I made the decision to increase the prescription in my eyes.

And like it seemed to be working fine.
I mean I still had headaches, but I've had various stressors in my life for like...the past forever it feels like. (I need less stressors in my eyes)
So I kinda just put it from my mind that my headaches could possibly be caused by my contacts. 

But I was like. Maybe the strength in my right eye is too strong as that's where most of my headaches are located. 
-They used to be more behind the left eye. 

And as I stated in a previous blogpost (I think?) 
I figured I could just call the eye doctor get a trial prescription for my old prescription in my right eye and just try and see if that would help.

Doctor didn't like that. (I thought it was rather clever lol) 
As it had been 8 months.
So today I went in to see him.
Just to check out my eyes and see how they were doing.

They're doing just fine. ^^;; 

But after doing the exam and all the tests and such with distance and close reading and everything.

The doctor decided that my left eye would definitely benefit by going a step down back to my old prescription so it wouldn't be straining as much. 

The right eye?
Still up in the air.
As I feel less strain when wearing the old prescription...but my far vision isn't as clear unless I wear the current prescription. 

So for the week I'm trying both eyes on the old prescription strength. To see how that feels. 
And I still have the current prescription contacts available to me if I decide that the right eye doesn't like the weaker vision and isn't playing nice in working together with my left eye.

I can't really use today as a judge though.
Since I usually end up with a headache after the stress of doing the eye exam.
And further stressful factors of the entire day....meant that I definitely wasn't headache free today at all. *shakes head*

So we'll have to see if the week helps decrease those....
….Of course not having more stress piled on me would be helpful in accurately judging how my eyes are doing. *exhales*

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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