Saturday, March 9, 2019

Why Exaggerate Like That?

So for the past near month, we've had a guinea pig that we've been taking care of.
As it came in with a bit of a cold.
But in the middle of treatment the Guinea Pig ended up with a bit of furloss as well so we were treating that.

And the customer, who wants to buy him back once he recovers.
Has practically been breathing down our necks about getting him back.

It's not as bad as a different customer who called everyday at least once a day if not twice a day to make sure their guinea pig was doing okay.

But everytime this customer calls they make it sound like we're being....neglectful? 

Which...we're not.
But they are confused as to why we've kept the guinea pig so long.

As apparently....the customer doesn't understand that illnesses do take time to heal. It's not like a two day care sort of thing.
And with the can take up to a month to get the guinea pig better. 

In any case.
Everytime the customer calls.
They grossly exaggerate how long we've had the guinea pig.

Today the story was that we have had the guinea pig for Five Weeks and that they had called yesterday for an update and the girl that they'd talked to said that she would 'call right back' and then never did but she had stated that the guinea pig was 'healthy' and...

….The Guinea Pig came to us the day before Valentines day.
And since the 13th of March hasn't passed.
And there are Four weeks in a Month.
Five Weeks can't have passed because a month hasn't passed yet.
No it's been like Three and a Half Weeks. 

The customer tried to prove that wrong. Saying that they had it marked on their calendar and everything.
But I disproved that by saying that our charts had the Guinea Pig coming in on the 13th.
Which the customer was like "Well that was after the ve--"
"No." I disagreed. "We took him to the Vet the day after, On Valentine's Day, and then again four days later." 



In any case.
I gave the customer an update on their guinea pig and the progress and such.

Which if a new spot of hairloss hadn't been noticed by me on Thursday....I probably would have allowed the customer to come get their guinea pig today.
As the other spots were better.

But I'm trying to ensure that the customer's guinea pig is healthy. 

So in the end I promised I'd call on Wednesday and again on Saturday so that the customer could stay in the loop on the progress.

….Seriously I hope the guinea pig recovers quickly.
Because I can't wait to get that customer out of our hair. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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