Friday, June 19, 2020

A Ton of Goldfish

We had a young customer come into the store today.
Sent on an errand by her grandmother.
Who had given the child $40 in order for her to come in and buy goldfish.

As from my understanding, that the grandmother wanted to buy the goldfish for her son who was the child's father. 

I didn't hear the beginning of this conversation.
But the child said that she wanted the small feeder goldfish.

Which those are 16 cents each.

And the child had $40 to buy goldfish.

But the grandmother hadn't specified a certain amount of goldfish that she wanted to give to her son. 

And like at 16 cents each.
$40 buys a ton of goldfish.

If there wasn't tax involved the child could have ended up with 250 goldfish.
With tax...the number was probably more like 235.

Which seemed like a ton of goldfish to buy.
And we weren't certain if the grandma actually wanted over 200 goldfish.

So we decided to give the child 100. 

Like that was still alot for this unknown gift to the child's father.

But it wasn't over 200. 
So we bagged up 2 bags of 50 for the child to go buy. 

And since I didn't see her come back into the store after purchasing them.
Hopefully that means the grandma was satisfied with the amount she got.

Still though....
I do wonder at the people who say "buy me $amount of (thing)" especially if you don't know the price of the thing you're buying.
Like I'd double check or give a better more specific number of "25 goldfish" as that's easily more quantifiable than $40sworth. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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