Saturday, June 27, 2020

Bang Bang in the Morning

You know...I was told we were going to have construction people come to the house to take down our deck at 7 in the morning.
But I really wasn't expecting them to be on time.

They were though.
Which is impressive....with the exception that it was seven in the morning and therefore they woke up the entire house because of the noise they were making.
*shakes head*

It makes sense why they'd come at such an unholy hour, because they wanted to get done before it got too hot.
But still.
I would have liked to sleep in a little later on a Saturday.
Especially when I had a long evening shift in front of me.

In any case.
We had people come to the house today to take down our deck.

As the thing was ancient. -probably as old as the house- and hadn't been well maintained by at least the last set of previous renters/owners, and so therefore was falling apart.
Like the railing was wobbly--and not set up to today's standard code.
The stairs were barely connected to the deck.
Like there were a lot of potential 'this could go wrong' to it.
To the point where really we'd only go out for a few minutes to see if we could see sources of noises or smoke or for me to take pictures. 

And it's kinda sad to have a deck and not be able to use it.
Originally the plan was to just do a bit of touch up work.
But when we had a surveyor come out to look at the deck and give his was decided that it would just be best to take the whole thing down and start from basically scratch.
-They left four poles standing with a wood beam across two poles each.

As the longer the surveyor looked the more issues he found with the deck.
Like the fact it was slopping downwards and wasn't evenly set (possibly due to settling) 
And that the railing was too low for today's standards.
And wood was rotting and falling apart.
And that the deck hadn't been properly installed against the house.
-The brackets and nails and such holding the deck to the house...weren't good. Like...installed wrong. idk how. But yah. Basically there was a risk of the deck just pulling away from the house and taking half the siding with it. 

The deck needed to come down.

Which it did after a couple of hours.
And a ton of banging and hammering and sawing and laughter/chatter from the crew outside my window.
As my room was right by the deck.

It's no wonder I ended up with another headache that lasted all day. *exhales* 
But hey! 
We got the deck down woot!

....Now we'll have to see how long it takes before the new deck is built back up.
For now it's just weird being able to see the backyard without the deck blocking the way.

Hopefully the new one is built soon though.
It's kinda stressful having sliding glass doors that lead out to open air. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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