Saturday, June 13, 2020


I'm not quite sure why people seem to be so obsessed with snails currently.
Like it's probably in relation to number of people buying new tanks and fish to keep them company while they're working from home and such.
But it feels like most of my 'fish' sales these days are in relation to snails.
People are wanting them to help clean up their tanks and such.

It's just crazy because it feels like every third customer I talk to now is here to get snails for their tank. 

And I feel like they weren't as...well, popular before.
But now, it's like we sell through 75% of our snails in a week if not nearly all of them.

And that's just...weird.

Like I expect trends to happen. Where suddenly customers all want to have goldfish/koi --which is also what people wanted yesterday--or suddenly all want parakeets, or hamsters, or bearded dragons. 
It's just...crazy how different people can all suddenly want the same thing.

But the snail trend seems to be ongoing.
Like it's not everyday per se that people want snails.
But it sure feels like it.

And I can see why. They're efficient little eaters. I even ended up with a handful of them myself in my large tank to see if they could help clean the glass and the plants a bit better as my plecos tend to stick to the larger decorations and the gravel. 

Still it's crazy just how popular they've become. 

Until you next see these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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