Saturday, June 20, 2020


I'm growing quite tired of having to deal with incredulous people at work.
The ones who don't like being told their wrong, or being told no, or being told to stay behind the blue line for their safety.

It's just...exhausting.

I had a customer today who got all uppity at me when I told her she needed to stand behind the blue line.
Which mind you is like two feet away from the fish walfif l. 
It's not even the six foot line that apparently my sister store has up at their fish wall.
It's quite easy to see the fish from that distance.

Though apparently there are a ton of people in my state who need to go get their eyes checked at the eye doctor because we've had so many people complain that they can't 'see' the fish unless they're able to a) touch the glass or b) have their noses on cm away from the tanks. 

Which this customer was one of those people.
"How can I see the fish to pick them out!" she complained when I told her she needed to be behind the blue line.
How can you NOT see the fish from two feet away?
Like I can. 
I could get how you couldn't because I'm not sure how clearly I could see the fish if I was standing twoish feet away from the wall and didn't have my contacts in. But like. with contacts? The fish are quite visible! 
I don't get it.
I really don't.

But by that point I was done with customer's bs (though in retrospect I should have just said "I'm sorry but that's the rule stay behind the blue line) and told the customer that if they didn't touch the glass then they could cross the line to see the fish better.

I still don't get how she and other customers can't see the fish.
Like again it's a two foot distance. You don't need your nose pressed right up to the glass to see them swimming around.

Not to mention the customers that don't listen to a word of explanation that you give when they ask questions.
"Is this a goldfish?" 
"Is this a goldfish?"
"Can this koi fish be with this type of goldfish?" 

Like just because a fish is orange doesn't make it a goldfish.
No that's not a goldfish because it's a cichlid.
How do I know what types of fish they are? Because I can READ THE SIGNS saying which fish are in which tanks.

So many people can't.
They don't listen either.
I have to repeat myself twelve times it feels like. 

Or the customers who have their 'kids' do the research on their pets but don't do any research themselves.
Like the customer who came into the store with their kid thinking that cornsnakes would be an 'easy' pet to keep because they just eat 'crickets and such'.
Nope. They don't eat bugs. They don't recognize them as food. They eat mice.

Like do your research so I don't have to play mediator and teacher for once.
And if you're looking for a 'cheap pet' just get the kid a stuffed animal. 
Live animals shouldn't be bought cheaply.

But yah.
I'm tired of it all.
So tired of the prissy uppity people who are risking my life every day coming into the store without masks and insisting that they touch everything in site and try to hover far to close to me and yah....

I need a vacation. 

Until you next read these words;
I'll be watching the leaves.
Enjoy the day!

-Sarnic Dirchi

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